Whitney Rife offered Thousands of Dollars to take Covid Vaccine

Whitney Rife Covid Vaccine video

Whitney Rife, Instagram Influencer, was offered thousands of dollars to take a covid vaccine selfie and video of herself while taking the Covid Vaccine.

Who is Whitney Rife?

Whitney Rife, a.k.a. Whitney Rife-Becker, has 409,000 Instagram followers as of this publishing.

Whitney Rife owns an online fashion boutique. Her Instagram posts are mostly about fashion, family and marriage.

Mrs. Rife-Becker doesn’t fit the mold of whistleblower, but she confirmed a practice most of us already knew about.

Big pharma offered her “thousands of dollars” in exchange for a selfie receiving an experimental COVID shot, according to a video published by her on Instagram.

The video is no longer on Whitney Rife’s Instagram page and is hard to find, but we have it here.

Whitney Rife video – Whitney Rife offered thousand of dollars in exchange for Covid Vaccine Video

Social media companies do not allow “influencers” or anyone else to tell the truth about experimental COVID-19 shots, which is probably why Whitney Rife’s video was removed from Instagram.

What is a Social Media Influencer?

Content creators making videos on YouTube, Instagram and other platforms, who have very large followings, are approached by companies to promote their products. Just like Michael Jordan promoted Nike, social media influencers can get paid a lot of money by companies to promote products to their large social media audience on social media platforms.

It’s not uncommon for popular YouTubers to make anywhere from $1,000 to $50,000 a month or more just from their videos alone.

Whitney Rife, Instagram Influencer, was offered thousands of dollars to take a covid vaccine selfie and video of herself while taking the Covid Vaccine.
Whitney Rife

The CDC is now reaching out to social media influencers, such as Whitney Rife, to promote their experimental Covid Vaccine.

Why do you think the CDC is resorting to paying social media influencers thousands of dollars to promote their “vaccine?” It’s all about money, experimentation and worse.

The CDC, lying news media, big pharma and government will not stop until most (or all) people have been jabbed by their experimental “vaccine.”


Covid Vaccine – The Experiment on People

Big Pharma silences people – MUST READ


Healthcare workers being paid off too?

A Texas nurse recently had a severe adverse reaction to the Johnson & Johnson shot, but, she, like many others in her situation, still encourages others to get the experimental shots. Several commenters speculated that she is likely being paid by the bottomless cash cows known as big pharma. It makes sense.

Humanity is facing the ultimate generational choice right now. Get the experimental mRNA or viral vector shots in exchange for a few minutes of social media clout, and hope for the best thereafter. Or you can save your soul, dignity and humanity by refusing voluntary poisoning. Stay vigilant and protect your loved ones.

The Toronto Sun reported last month that Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada are paying social media influencers for positive publicity. Said agencies are the Canadian equivalents to the Centers for Disease Control and National Institutes of Health.

Meanwhile, United Nations Global Communications Director Melissa Fleming made a similar admission. She told the World Economic Forum last November that the U.N. recruited 110,000 social media influencers that she calls “information volunteers.”

Their jobs are to disseminate and reinforce the World Health Organization’s agendas.

It’s no secret. Everyone knows about big pharma, the CDC, et al. pay people to market their products. Nondisclosure agreements are standard practice in these deals. The going rate for influencer posts about products or services is about $1,000 per 100,000 followers.

Most of these “vaccine” ad campaigns are blatantly obvious. Celebrities receive large sums to peddle experimental shots, masks and other COVID-19 agendas.

Writer’s Notes

I applaud Whitney Rife for standing up for what she believes in and not caving when dollar signs are present.

It’s important for people to stand up for what they believe in and not be swayed by anyone.

Whitney Rife could have taken the money in exchange for selling the “covid vaccine” product if she was dishonest, but she stood her ground, which will save the lives of many.

One great thing Whitney Rife said was, “to each their own.” She isn’t saying take the “vaccine” and she isn’t saying don’t take it. She is leaving that up to you.

I wouldn’t be surprised if her social media accounts get closed. You know how it works.

I’m providing info so you can think outside the box.

What are your thoughts on Whitney Rife offered Thousands of Dollars to take Covid Vaccine? Let us know in the comments below.

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