Lauren Boebert Rant on the House Floor

Lauren Boebert Rant on the House Floor was cut short, but that didn't stop her - even when they turned off her microphone.

Lauren Boebert Rant on the House Floor was cut short, but that didn’t stop her – even when they turned off her microphone.

Rep. Lauren Beobert (R-CO) refuses to cede the floor as she attacks the Inflation Reduction Act.

The Colorado Republican called supporters of the Inflation Reduction Act ”insane“ during her speech.

Republican representative from Colorado, Lauren Boebert, had her microphone cut off after being warned five separate times that her speech on the House floor Friday had exceeded the allotted time. 

Boebert was railing against the Inflation Reduction Act — which was ultimately passed in the House 220-207 and in the Senate 51-50 without any Republican votes. Lauren Boebert ignored repeated updates from the chair that her time on the floor had expired. 

“Insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result,” Lauren Boebert said in her speech. “That makes the supporters of this legislation, by definition, insane. Reckless spending in this town is what causes inflation. You are sacrificing American families at the altar of climate change.”

Lauren Boebert Refuses To Cede Floor


The chair (deep state puppets) noted that “The gentlewoman’s time has expired,” and ultimately repeated themselves a total of five times, including banging the gavel in an attempt to get Boebert’s attention. Lauren Boebert persisted, despite the procedural warnings. When her microphone was shut off, she continued by shouting her speech.

Lauren Boebert claimed the legislation “does the exact opposite of what American need right now” and labeled it as “just another con game by the Democrats.” 

Although she was even provided another 30 seconds by a fellow GOP member, she once again ran over her allotted time. Boebert finally stood down after the chair said, “The gentlewoman’s time has expired. The gentlewoman is no longer recognized.” 

The Inflation Reduction Act – which covers health care, climate and taxes — outlines a 10-year, $375 billion strategy to develop clean energy sources and provide tax incentives aimed at promoting the use of electric cars and solar energy. Republicans have criticized the bill for its proposed spending, which could amount to a total of nearly $740 billion.

Lauren Boebert Rant on the House Floor. Lauren Boebert's Mic Cut Off on House Floor After She Ignored 5 Warnings of Going Over Time.

Following the Senate’s approval of the bill, biden (rotting sack of potatoes) said: “Today, Senate Democrats sided with American families over special interests, voting to lower the cost of prescription drugs, health insurance, and everyday energy costs and reduce the deficit, while making the wealthiest corporations finally pay their fair share. I ran for President promising to make government work for working families again, and that is what this bill does, period.”

biden is a lying dementia puppet, but I digress.

A huge tax revolt is exactly what the criminal psychopaths expect, because it’s exactly what they’ve asked for.

Lauren Boebert is a true voice of patriotic American citizens. We need more representatives like Lauren Boebert in Congress instead of the puppets lining each other‘s pockets with cash.

The American government is FOR THE PEOPLE, but, the last 2 years have shown the true colors of the puppets in office. Lauren Boebert Rant on the House Floor. Lauren Boebert's Mic Cut Off on House Floor After She Ignored 5 Warnings of Going Over Time.

The American government is FOR THE PEOPLE, but, the last 2 years have shown the true colors of the puppets in office.

The puppets think they can control you (wear your masks, stay inside, get the death jab aka “vaccine.”

Regardless of what you believe, one must admit many shady things have been going on, especially in the last couple of years. Read all the posts on ROTTER News for more of them.

In the meantime, keep your guns (2nd amendment that shall not be infringed), and remember what our ancestors did. TAXES ARE ILLEGAL!

Share your thoughts on the Lauren Boebert rant in the comments section below. 

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