Free Blood Clots With Every Vaccine

dr. Vernon Coleman talks about Covid Vaccine hoax

Free Blood Clots (and a free Krispy Kreme donut) with every Vaccine until you’re dead.

The following very important post is by Dr. Veron Coleman, one of my favorite people.

Please share this very important article with everyone you know. Also, please help save lives and send this article to hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, care homes, schools, newspapers, journalists, etc. 

No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill.

But although I haven’t seen the mainstream media mention most of these deaths, people have already died or been injured after being given the vaccine:

SHOCKING – The latest covid vaccine deaths and injuries from VAERS covid data (it is estimated that only 1% of vaccine adverse events is reported)

Note: The following paragraph has now been added to the UK’s Pfizer analysis data print, “A report of a suspected ADR to the Yellow Card scheme does not necessarily mean that it was caused by the vaccine…” In my view, this is yet another attempt to draw attention away from the very real problems associated with the vaccines.

We note that when patients die 60 days after a positive covid test, they are added to the covid death figures but if someone were to die 60 minutes after a covid vaccine, then it is just a coincidence.

PFIZER (UK data) – Some of the Injuries include: strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, Bell’s Palsy, sepsis, paralysis, psychiatric disorders, blindness, deafness, shingles, alopecia and covid-19. (Please help save lives and send the link for the Pfizer data analysis print to schools and local newspapers)

UK Yellow Card reports. This sophisticated and easy to use database on analyses the UK Government’s Yellow Card data of deaths and adverse reactions associated with the covid-19 jabs.

Note: The following paragraph has now been added to the UK’s AstraZeneca analysis data print, “A report of a suspected ADR to the Yellow Card scheme does not necessarily mean that it was caused by the vaccine…” In my view, this is yet another attempt to draw attention away from the very real problems associated with the vaccines.

We note that when patients die 60 days after a positive covid test, they are added to the covid death figures but if someone were to die 60 minutes after a covid vaccine, then it is just a coincidence.

dr. Vernon Coleman on covid hoax and fake vaccines used to kill people. world depopulation. Some of the many injuries include: blindness, strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, sepsis, paralysis, Bell's Palsy, deafness, shingles, alopecia and covid-19. (Please help save lives and send the link for the AstraZeneca analysis data print to schools and local newspapers) blood clots from vaccine.

ASTRAZENECA (UK data) – Some of the many injuries include: blindness, strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, sepsis, paralysis, Bell’s Palsy, deafness, shingles, alopecia and covid-19. (Please help save lives and send the link for the AstraZeneca analysis data print to schools and local newspapers)

European database of suspected adverse drug reaction reports:

17th June 2021 – Derek Sloan MP raised concerns on covid-19 vaccine censorship of doctors and scientists

Important note:
There have been reports in the press that the AstraZeneca vaccine is causing blood clots. This is true but so do ALL of the experimental vaccines being given allegedly to prevent covid-19. There have been many deaths, with more than 1,000 in the UK alone, and a vast number of adverse events.

How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing? – Dr. Vernon Coleman

It is important to remember that these experimental vaccines which are being given to healthy people do not prevent covid-19 or stop it being passed on, and the risk of a young, healthy adult dying of covid-19 is extremely small.

Blood Clots, Miscarriages, Heart Attacks, Deaths, etc. from the ‘Vaccine

Those are just some of the possible deaths and injuries that have followed vaccination.

I have no doubt that the authorities will claim that these deaths were coincidental.

blood clots from vaccine dr. Vernon Coleman. Some of the many injuries include: blindness, strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, sepsis, paralysis, Bell's Palsy, deafness, shingles, alopecia and covid-19. (Please help save lives and send the link for the AstraZeneca analysis data print to schools and local newspapers)

And let us remember if a patient dies within 28 days of being tested positive for coronavirus (and the test doesn’t mean that the patient even has the disease since most tests are false positives) then the death will be listed as a covid-19 death and the patient will be said to have died ‘with’ covid-19. So by the same token, it is perfectly reasonable to say that if a patient dies or falls ill within 28 days of being vaccinated then the death or illness was related to the covid-19 vaccine.

Will the mainstream media ever start recording these deaths or illnesses? Or are journalists going to continue to promote the official government line – and to deny, distort or suppress the truth?

How many people have to die before the media wakes up?

Deaths Shortly After Covid Jab – Yet Another Coincidence

Other Important Covid Vaccine Information

Covid-19 Vaccine – Possible Vaccine Side Effects

The pro-vaxxers like to tell you that vaccines are perfectly safe and perfectly effective. Even when they wouldn’t be considered safe enough to use as oven cleaner, the fanatics enthuse about them. Young people and those who know little about medicine or science, talk about vaccines with reverence because they’ve been indoctrinated into believing the pro-vaccine lies.

And the pro-vaxxers are lying, of course.

Vaccines cause a lot of illness and quite a few deaths and they don’t always do what they’re supposed to do. Governments around the world have paid out many billions of dollars to patients who have been made ill by vaccines – or to the relatives of patients who were killed by a vaccine.

There are, for example, grave doubts about what the covid-19 vaccine actually does. Since the vaccine is a new type of vaccine and is being given before the usual tests and observations have been completed no one knows what will happen to the people who have the stuff injected into an arm.

What side effects will there be? How many will die?

Well, I don’t know and nor does anyone else.

What if a woman is pregnant when she has the vaccine or gets pregnant after being given the vaccine? The vaccine isn’t supposed to be given to pregnant women but not all pregnancies are planned.

Will the vaccine interfere with essential life-saving drugs? Many elderly patients already take a number of prescribed drugs. Will the vaccine interfere with them? No one knows. The covid-19 vaccine is the biggest experiment in history. And, unlike a proper clinical trial, it is largely unregulated. As with all vaccines most of the problems which develop will never be reported or recognised.

It is estimated that in the U.S., only 1 in 100 covid vaccine side effects is reported.

The best we have is a working list of possible adverse event outcomes which the FDA has published in the US. (Here is the link to the draft working list)

Since I believe everyone is entitled to know what side effects there could be with a heavily promoted vaccine, I’m going to read you the official list of possible side effects. This is, remember, not my list but a draft list compiled by the FDA – the Food and Drug Administration in the US.

You aren’t necessarily going to get all of those or even any of them if you have the vaccine. But those are the possible side effects that the FDA has listed. They’re all unpleasant, most of them very serious and you can’t get more serious than death.

And if you are mad enough to have the vaccine then you and your doctor should keep a look out for the symptoms of all the diseases on the FDA’s list.

Your government won’t tell you about these dangers – they don’t believe in fully informed consent as far as vaccines are concerned.

Indeed, most governments are now doing everything they can to ensure that all criticisms of vaccines are banned. Depending on where you live it is, or soon will be, illegal even to mention that vaccines might not always work or might make you ill.

Finally, if your government really cared about you they would conduct a very simple, cheap trial.

They would keep a note of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who had the vaccine and compare that list with a list of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who didn’t have the vaccine in the same period. They make the comparisons every 3, 6 and 12 months.

Of course, they’d have to find some honest doctors to oversee the trial because it would be very easy to fiddle.

But it would give some very interesting results so I doubt if they’ll be doing it.

Please share this article with everyone you know.

Stop obeying, believing and collaborating in the Scam. Stop wearing the mask, refuse the vaccine, educate those who will listen and get ready.

What are your thoughts on blood clots from the vaccine and all the fatalities? Let us know in the comments section below.

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