The Covid Scamdemic By The Deep State explained

covid scamdemic hoax by government

The Covid Scamdemic by The Deep State explained – as if you needed any explanation.

Over the past few days, Alexis Bugnolo (brother Bugnalo) has referred to the Covid Scamdemic as “the Masonic takeover of the world” by issuing a warning about 5G technology, the covid scamdemic and to not trust the establishment’s COVID “scamdemic” vaccine and to never take the vaccine.

Reports are coming in from all over the world where “Covid Vaccines” are being administered – people are dying and real numbers are hidden.

Covid “vaccine” death reports are horrifying and alarming

While there are very large numbers of individuals who are having adverse reactions from fainting to temporary nerve incapacitation, others are falling into life-threatening conditions, such as blood clotting in the arteries and heart attacks.

New reports of enlarged hearts from the vaccinated are also being seen. Remember, their vaccine has not been tested or approved, but it’s being pushed upon the people anyway.

Why are they pushing this “Vaccine” so much?

Hundreds of vaccinated people are dying, or better said, dropping dead for no reason at all – and people still line up for the jab.

It’s believed the covid “vaccine” contains tracking utilities as well in the form of either a chip or magnetizing factors within the vaccine that causes the body to become a human transmitter. This is where it’s said the 5G towers come in to play.

A handful of ROTTER News readers reached out to say they tried the vaccine magnet challenge….and it worked.

Read more about Covid Vaccine tracking in the posts “vaccinated people are being tracked” and Dr. Carrie Madej talks about covid vaccines and their possible uses and decide for yourself.

What is being reported on the Covid Vaccine is the tip of the iceberg.

Covid is organized fraud perpetrated on the human race

The fraudsters (Bilderberg group, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Deep State) have changed the meanings of the words they use in their terrorist psyop.

PANDEMIC — Initially their name for 140 deaths which they attributed to Covid-19. Pandemic is now the name for any cause of death, except when death is related to the Covid Vaccine.

VACCINE — Their name for the gene therapy-induced trauma by the mRNA Covid Vaccine shots which allegedly grant you immunity to Covid, but which really cause your cells to produce spike proteins which cause your own lymphocytes to attack them as enemies and kill them (your body shuts down.)

MEDICAL EXPERT —  Their name for anyone they pay to enforce the narrative of “pandemic” and “vaccine.”

NEGATIONIST / DENIER — Their name for anyone who speaks the truth and says its a scamdemic and not a pandemic.

Over the past few days, Alexis Bugnolo has referred to the Covid Scamdemic as "the Masonic takeover of the world" by issuing a warning about 5G technology, the covid scamdemic and to not trust the establishment's COVID "scamdemic" vaccine and to never take the vaccine. Reports are coming in from all over the world where “Covid Vaccines” are being administered...people are dying and real numbers are hidden.
If you thought no toilet paper was bad, just wait

If you die before taking the Covid “Vaccine”, your death will be reported as COVID.

If you die after taking the Covid “Vaccine”, your death will be reported as natural or from pre-existing conditions.

Is this a covid pandemic or scamdemic?

Is the covid scamdemic to establish world-wide tyranny to enslave us all and kill off billions? 

The two videos in this post sum up the covid scamdemic perfectly.

The virus and the Masonic Covid Scamdemic and Freemasonry – Brother Bugnalo

Their Covid scamdemic is now a religion; they believe in the existence of only ONE TRUE VIRUS.

The flu no longer exists; the lying news media hasn’t reported any flu cases in MONTHS…the flu is gone.


Freemasons and the New World Order

For those who took the vaccine, it will be too late. For those of us who did not take the vaccine, be prepared.

Covid is a hoax to fear people into taking the “vaccine”, which is what will ultimately kill.

When Flu Season Comes The CHAOS Will Begin – Brother Bugnalo

If this video is true, and many signs are pointing that it is, the world will be a completely different place by 2023, which was their plan all along.

Why are governors and politicians (puppets) resorting to bribery to get people to take the vaccine?

Why do you think governments are pushing so hard for you to get their Covid Vaccine?

The Covid Vaccine is the Problem

Reports of new waves of covid are coming out from the lying news media – all to push their “vaccine” agenda.

Those taking the Covid “Vaccine” think they are gaining an advantage against the “virus.”

The “medical experts” say immunity from covid after getting the Covid Vaccine (not a vaccine) is not certain and does not last, so, repeated vaccinations will be required.

The “experts” have made it clear; don’t think you will be free after being “vaccinated” because you still have to observe social distancing, still have to wear a  mask, and in some cases, won’t be allowed to work or travel UNTIL THEY SAY SO.

Covid is a fear tactic to scare people into getting the “vaccine” and the “vaccine” is the problem they want you to have.

They know people would never take an injection if they told the truth as to what it really is, and that’s where the covid scamdemic comes into play.

Something needed to be done to force people into taking the jab. Do you see how evil this is? It all sounds far-fetched but remember, THEY lie about everything, using television, lying news media, movies and music to corrupt and brainwash.

World depopulation and a New World order will consume the world as we know it.

covid scamdemic by the deep state government. The Covid “Pandemic” is not the only and last attack. It's rumored they are planning to shut down all food production by shutting down all agricultural service production they control, to end seed distribution, fertilizer distribution, agricultural machinery sales and repairs.
Covid Scamdemic by governments

The Covid “Pandemic” is not the only and last attack. It’s rumored they are planning to shut down all food production by shutting down all agricultural service production they control, to end seed distribution, fertilizer distribution, agricultural machinery sales and repairs.

You will not be able to grow your own food.

With their people in the governments, there is no one to call martial law to force these factories to reopen. Without them, billions will be forcibly starved to death.

This is what they mean by the threat of coming “foot shortages.” They’re even looking to create lab-grown-meat for “our healthy lifestyles.”

Is covid real? Does the government care about the people? Is the government racing to inject everyone with a vaccine that will save lives…..


Is covid a scamdemic, a diabolically malign plot of psychopathic mass murder.

As you know, Bill Gates openly talks about world depopulation and has for years. Bill Gates’ father also talked about world depopulation. Bill Gates has the patent on the covid “vaccine.” This is a massive red flag out of many.

There is something you can do about it and it’s simple.

Stop obeying, believing and collaborating in the Scam. Stop wearing the mask, refuse the vaccine, educate those who will listen and get ready.

What are your thoughts on the Covid Scamdemic? Let us know in the comments section below.

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