Hunter Biden Laptop on Twitter

Hunter Biden laptop on twitter by Elon Musk is making massive headway December 2022. Musk posted Hunter Biden laptop details to twitter.

Musk To Publish Internal Twitter Documents On ‘Hunter Biden Laptop Story’ Censor.

Hunter Biden laptop on twitter by Elon Musk is making massive headway December 2022. Musk posted Hunter Biden laptop details to twitter.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk published a series of tweets on Friday that disclosed internal documents detailing Twitter’s handling of Hunter Biden’s 2020 story.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who recently acquired the microblogging platform Twitter, published a series of tweets on Friday that disclosed internal documents detailing the firm’s handling of a news story about Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden in 2020, including the contentious decision to restrict users from tweeting and direct message about it.


This came following the Twitter CEO’s comment on November 29, 2022, “The Twitter Files on free speech suppression soon to be published on Twitter itself.” He further added, “The public deserves to know what really happened …” 

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who recently acquired the microblogging platform Twitter, published a series of tweets on Friday that disclosed internal documents detailing the firm's handling of a news story about Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden in 2020, including the contentious decision to restrict users from tweeting and direct message about it.

Musk highlighted a lengthy Twitter thread of writer Matt Taibbi who claimed to have obtained the cache of internal documents and chose to methodically release them one tweet at a time in a narrative fashion. Writer Matt Taibbi asserted that he acquired “thousands of internal documents” through Twitter sources. Pointing to that Musk, tweeted “Here we go!!” and retweet Taibbi’s thread. 

Besides this, Musk has also tweeted referring to the Hunter Biden story, “What really happened with the Hunter Biden story suppression by Twitter will be published on Twitter at 5pm ET!” In a subsequent tweet, he noted, “We’re double-checking some facts, so probably start live tweeting in about 40 mins.” The Twitter CEO even shared a meme with the caption, “you call this gnus!?” 

Besides this, Musk has also tweeted referring to the Hunter Biden story, “What really happened with the Hunter Biden story suppression by Twitter will be published on Twitter at 5pm ET!” In a subsequent tweet, he noted, “We’re double-checking some facts, so probably start live tweeting in about 40 mins.” The Twitter CEO even shared a meme with the caption, “you call this gnus!?”
Look at all those replies! People want the truth…and they HATE EVIL.
Besides this, Musk has also tweeted referring to the Hunter Biden story, “What really happened with the Hunter Biden story suppression by Twitter will be published on Twitter at 5pm ET!” In a subsequent tweet, he noted, “We’re double-checking some facts, so probably start live tweeting in about 40 mins.” The Twitter CEO even shared a meme with the caption, “you call this gnus!?”

Elon Musk Fires Top FBI Lawyer Over Secret Data Manipulations – watch on RoxyTube

Meanwhile, as per Taibbi’s tweet, Jack Dorsey’s personal email address was seen in a snapshot that has since been erased. Another user revealed a personal email with no redactions that belonged to Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), who at the time voiced disapproval of Twitter’s actions. Both events seem to violate Twitter’s anti-doxing rule, Tech Crunch reported. Too bad so sad, demon.


Furthermore, the majority of the documents, which are internal communications from Twitter, show the tumultuous environment that prompted Twitter to block a New York Post article about Hunter Biden two years ago.

The New York Post in October 2020, published a report that quoted materials allegedly from a laptop that Hunter Biden left at a repair shop. Ahead of the presidential election at that time and in light of the 2016 DNC breach and other Russian electoral interference, Twitter made the decision to limit the story’s distribution. NO SURPRISE.

Hunter Biden laptop on twitter by Elon Musk is making massive headway December 2022. Musk posted Hunter Biden laptop details to twitter.

Twitter’s former Head of Trust and Safety Yoel Roth mentioned the social media firm’s policies regarding stolen documents in a chat with members of the communications and policy teams, noting the “severe risks and lessons of 2016” that impacted the decision-making in limiting the story’s distribution.  

Making such a significant enforcement decision without contacting the company’s CEO was rare, according to Taibbi’s Twitter thread. 

One of the high-level company executives who played a major role in Twitter’s decision to suppress the story on the Hunter Biden laptop, Vijaya Gadde, has a history of censoring conservative voices on the platform.

One of the high-level company executives who played a major role in Twitter’s decision to suppress the story, Vijaya Gadde, reportedly has a history of censoring conservative voices on the platform. Throughout her tenure at Twitter, Gadde was behind the decisions to remove former President Donald Trump from the platform in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 riot, as well as the removal of other right-wing figures, such as Milo Yiannopoulos and self-described journalist Chuck Johnson.
Vijaya Gadde – Another BADDY

Throughout her tenure at Twitter, Gadde was behind the decisions to remove former President Donald Trump from the platform in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 riot, as well as the removal of other right-wing figures, such as Milo Yiannopoulos and self-described journalist Chuck Johnson.


Additionally, Facebook at the time, took similar actions to Twitter, but Twitter was the only platform to take the unusual step of preventing links to the story, which ultimately sparked a barrage of allegations that the website was tipping the scales in favor of Democrats. Since then, the corporation, its previous CEO, and several policy leaders have claimed that the episode was a mistake committed out of an excess of caution—a claim that is supported by the recently released emails. 

James Baker treason. Hunter Biden laptop on twitter by Elon Musk is making massive headway December 2022. Musk posted Hunter Biden laptop details to twitter.
Oh no James, the Jig is up

What’s on Hunter Biden’s Laptop?

  • Sex videos with prostitutes
  • Sex videos with kids
  • Trafficking people and drugs
  • Child Trafficking
  • Drug use
  • Emails exposing politicians
  • Texts exposing politicisns
  • If you dig hard enough you’ll find these images and videos online in archives, but they are disturbing

Most, if not all of these people are demonic puppets in politics and they lying news media. Take what you hear with a grain of salt – they could all be in on it, even musk. Who knows. One thing is for sure, it’s us against them.

Regardless of what you believe, many shady things have been going on, especially in the last couple of years. Read all the posts on ROTTER News for more of them. NO COMPLIANCE!

In the meantime, keep your guns (2nd amendment that shall not be infringed), and remember what our ancestors did. TAXES ARE ILLEGAL! 

Share your thoughts on THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP in the comments section below. 

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