Artificial Meat in Stores SOON

lab grown artificial meat created in labs by government to replace meat

Artificial Meat grown in a lab may be in stores within Five Years.

Governments are working on artificial meat, created in labs, for your “health.

Australians may see the first lab-grown or ‘cultivated’ artificial meat on supermarket shelves within the next decade, according to a food and health expert.

“Our goal is to see products dominate supermarket shelves within the coming 5 years,” Professor Johannes le Coutre from UNSW School of Chemical Engineering said.

“The ambition is to get the cost down to below that of traditional meat to make it acceptable for the consumer, but we are not there yet,” Coutre said.

Cultivated meat, which is around 30 times more expensive than authentic meat, is made from cells taken via biopsy from a live animal. The cells are then grown in a large vat into material that has the same nutritional features, look, texture, and flavour characteristics as authentic meat.


Hasn’t the government done enough to poison us?

LAB-GROWN Artificial meat gives scientists a large amount of control over the nutritional content and avoids the antibiotics often used in commercial agriculture, making it more sustainable.

Lab-Grown MEAT gives scientists a large amount of control!

LAB-GROWN Artificial meat gives scientists a large amount of control over the nutritional content and avoids the antibiotics often used in commercial agriculture, making it more sustainable.
Lab – Grown Artificial Meat

Alan Barclay from Dietitians Australia said claiming artificial meat from a lab will be more nutritious is “probably difficult to prove right now”.

It is still unclear whether the nutrients in the cultivated meat will enter into circulation and have an active effect when introduced into the body.

“I do not anticipate there will be large cuts of cultivated meat hanging in supermarkets in the next five years or so,” Barclay told AAP.

The difficulty will lie in convincing large numbers of Australians to switch to cultivated meat.

This means keeping costs down, making it taste like meat, and be socially acceptable to consumers.

Remember Soylent Green?

The movie Soylent Green (1973) is a tale of Earth in despair in 2022. Natural food like fruits, vegetables, and meat among others are now extinct. Earth is overpopulated and New York City has 40 million starving, poverty-stricken people. The only way people survive is with water rations and eating a mysterious food called Soylent. A detective investigates the murder of the president of the Soylent company. The truth he uncovers is more disturbing than the Earth in turmoil when he learns the secret ingredient of Soylent Green. Soylent Green is people.

Plant – Based Diet is Better than Meat

Going Vegan is something most people see as not good, boring or stressful.

I’m not vegan but I don’t eat much red meat due to madcow disease found in meat from grocery stores. Yes, madcow disease is real and not a thing of the past.

Vegan diets are viewed as unappetising by some, and plant-based meat alternatives are not always regarded as similar in texture and flavour to real meat.

“People should eat vegetables and plant materials such as beans, peas, legumes–that’s wonderful and great.

There is much more protein from plant-based diets. Your skin will look better, you will be stronger, feel better, risk of heart attack will much much lower and people have reversed high cholesterol and diabetes.

Watch the video below on Plant – Based diet by THE GAME CHANGERS…it’s amazing.

This Plant – Based Diet Video by THE GAME CHANGERS is Excellent!

Arnold Schwarzenegger – Approved

Artificial Meat Coming to a Store Near You!

Johannes le Coutre said, “I continue to believe we should consume meat products in moderation and with the future of cellular agriculture, we can do this in a sustainable way.”

“Don’t confuse the two,” Coutre said. “Real meat cells are smaller and more nutrient-dense compared to plant cells, which contain a lot of water.”

Coutre said that it was likely lab-grown meat products would first appear in stores in products that were used as ingredients in recipes like stock or seasoning.

The emergence of the cellular agriculture industry has come at the helm of the growing global demand for food from the agricultural industry. Coutre said that sustainable material production would potentially extend from meat to the seafood and even dairy industry.

Writer’s Notes

Artificial meat is going to be a hard pass for me, and probably most people as well. The problem is, I’m not sure if they will announce it; the government may just stock the shelves with artificial meat, which is wrong.

Meat you buy at grocery stores now is not healthy for you either; it is packed with preservatives, salt, food coloring and many other things you shouldn’t consume.

Did you know the FDA allows a certain percentage of disease and parasites in the food we consume?

Did you know Gladiators never ate meat? Gladiators in Ancient Rome ate plant – based diets for strength and health.

Plant – based diets are proven to be highly affective by Olympic athletes, body builders and even Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Plant – based diets are better for you than meat; they carry much more protein and keep you healthier.

Plant – based diets are not only salads. If you want to be healthier with more energy and strength, look into plant – based diets and avoid the processed meat and artificial lies the government has been involved in.

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