MARS Rover Landing Hoax by NASA

Fake Mars photos by NASA

Was the MARS Rover landing a hoax by NASA and the government? Read and decide for yourself.

In February 2021, NASA, the biggest black budget black hole in existence, sucking in 52 million dollars of American tax-payer money every single day, spent 2.3 billion of your dollars to allegedly land a remote control car on MARS for the fifth time.

Yes, the multi-billion dollar charade of landing on Mars has been happening since 1976, and thanks to the gullible unquestioning masses enthralled and duped by these ridiculous Hollywood performances, they will most likely continue for decades to come.

What USA TODAY Says on the MARS Rover Landing

Two-hundred and four days after it left Earth, NASA’s Perseverance rover touched down on Mars on Feb. 18, 2021. The rover will continue the legacy of its predecessors — Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity, to explore every red nook and cranny and collect and analyze data that will be used to advance the eventual mission: human life on MARS.

Life on Mars will never happen, as NASA has yet to prove the planets, or any planets, exist. Read more below.

Did the rover, Perseverance, actually land on MARS? That’s a question for you to decide.


Mars rover photos. In February 2021, NASA, the biggest black budget black hole in existence, sucking in 52 million dollars of American tax-payer money every single day, spent 2.3 billion of your dollars to allegedly land a remote control car on Mars for the fifth time.
MARS Rover Photo – Is that a prairie dog?
MARS rover landing photos. Are mars photos a hoax? Are NASA MARS photos fake? NASA MARS photos look like they were taken on devon island Canada.
There are prairie dogs on MARS
Are NASA MARS photos fake? NASA MARS photos look like they were taken on devon island Canada. Is there life on MARS?
What do you think? MARS photos on the left, Prairie dogs from Earth on the right

This MARS Rover photo appears to show a mammal of some kind hiding behind rocks on the martian surface.

Is this proof that life does exist on mars, or was this little critter photographed right here on earth?

MARS rover landing hoax photos. Are NASA MARS photos fake? NASA MARS photos look like they were taken on devon island Canada.
Who took this photo of the Rover on MARS?


Devon Island is the largest uninhabited island on Earth, located in the Arctic circle in Canada’s far north.

NASA images from MARS look strikingly similar to Devon Island.

How accurate and truthful are the Martian images?

In the decades since the Viking photographs, it seems NASA has improved the quality of its images, showing a desert environment, mountains and even ice.

Most NASA images are strikingly similar to the topography of Earth.

Many question if these images were taken on Earth and presented to the public as the surface of Mars.

Too many NASA images of Mars can be traced to NASA’s Martian training site on Devon Island, Canada. The topography of NASA’s MARS photos is a carbon copy of the Earth’s surface.

MARS landing hoax. Are NASA MARS photos fake? NASA MARS photos look like they were taken on devon island Canada.
Devon Island on left, MARS photo on right
MARS rover landing hoax. Are NASA MARS photos fake? NASA MARS photos look like they were taken on devon island Canada.
NASA base at Devon Island, Canada

It appears NASA has taken pictures of their Mars training spot here on earth and presented them to the public as authentic images of MARS.

According to NASA, Mars is about 38.6 million miles (62.07 million kilometers) from Earth. I find it hard to believe a rover can be remote-controlled from Earth with a distance like that.

Wifi signal in your house has a hard time going through walls, but NASA can remote control a rover from 40 MILLION MILES AWAY? There are asteroids, cosmic flares, radiation and all kinds of interference, not to mention it’s 40 MILLION MILES AWAY!

NASA technology is better than home wifi networks, I’m sure, or is it?

Mars Perseverance Rover Landing Debunked – Eric Dubay

What are your thoughts on the MARS landing mission by NASA? Do you think it’s another NASA hoax or do you think we actually landed a remote control rover on MARS, millions of miles away. Let us know in the comments below.

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