Monkeypox On The Loose!

Monkeypox outbreak is on the loose with more lockdowns coming, as reported by the Whitehouse and FJB. ROTTER News

Monkeypox is on the loose with more lockdowns coming, as reported by the Whitehouse and FJB.

Since yesterday’s post on monkeypox, monkeypox has been seen in more countries…that didn’t take long.

Florida health officials confirmed they are investigating a possible case of monkeypox, making Florida the third possible U.S. state to have potentially reported the virus.

Monkeypox cases have been reported in New York City and Massachusetts in recent days. Monkeypox has also been confirmed in Canada, a number of European countries, Israel, and Australia so far.

Covid isn’t causing the amount of fear needed, so here we go. Just in time to arrange ballot dropboxes for the election.
If you haven’t watched the 2000 Mules video it is worth the time. The methodology was clever and the video evidence is concerning.

2,000 Mules Video – Banned In Most Places Online

The Florida Department of Health in Broward County said Sunday that it and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are carrying out investigations to see whether there are any possible exposures.

The risk of contracting monkeypox, a virus that sees yearly cases in West and Central Africa, “remains very low to the overall community,” a Florida state health department spokesperson told local outlets.

The smallpox vaccine appears to work against monkeypox, said the Broward health department. Wonder what else is in that smallpox “vaccine?”

“Human-to-human transmission generally requires prolonged, face-to-face contact, direct contact with lesion materials, or indirect contact with lesion materials through contaminated items, such as contaminated clothing,” the Florida Department of Health said. “Therefore, the risk of exposure remains low,” the agency added….until next week when their story changes.

Monkeypox photo used in the media showing an up-close picture of someone’s hand/finger with Monkey Pox was used/reported (same photo) in September of 2018. What the heck is going on.
This photo used in the media showing an up-close picture of someone’s hand/finger with Monkeypox was used/reported (same photo) in September of 2018. What the heck is going on.

The monkeypox virus causes body aches, fever, fatigue, rash, and lesions on the face, hands, and other parts of the body.

The CDC (OBEY US) notes on its website that monkeypox presents milder symptoms than smallpox, which has killed tens of millions of people throughout human history.

On May 19, 2022, the CDC issued a health alert after cases were discovered in Massachusetts and New York City, where a patient with symptoms arrived at the city’s Bellevue Hospital. The first case of monkeypox was identified about a week ago in Massachusetts, although it’s not clear what city.

It’s “not clear” what city monkeypox was found, even though they “treated” a patient there.

Monkeypox outbreak is on the loose with more lockdowns coming, as reported by the Whitehouse and FJB. ROTTER News
Photo from UK to show us how SERIOUS monkey pox is

Speaking to reporters in East Asia on Sunday, biden said that he hadn’t spoken with his “health advisors” or script writers over the monkeypox virus, but he remarked that monkeypox is something “to be concerned about.”

“They haven’t told me the level of exposure yet, but it is something that everybody should be concerned about,” biden told reporters at Osan Air Base in South Korea. Later, biden said his administration doesn’t see the need to implement strict measures to control the spread of the virus…..that will probably happen next week we would assume. FJB.

”I just don’t think it rises to the level of the kind of concern that existed with COVID-19,” he said in Tokyo on Monday.

There are more than 190 confirmed or suspected monkeypox reported in at least 16 countries, according to an analysis from Global health, a data initiative from Boston Children’s Hospital and Oxford University.

In Europe, Belgium became the first country to implement a mandatory quarantine for individuals who test positive for monkeypox, with officials saying that they will need to isolate themselves for 21 days.

Monkeypox outbreak is on the loose with more lockdowns coming, as reported by the Whitehouse and FJB. ROTTER News. Why are you using a covid photo with a respiratory therapist in it? Monkey Pox doesn’t require respiratory treatments.
Why are they using a covid photo with a respiratory therapist in it? Monkeypox doesn’t require respiratory treatments. 

Ladies and gentlemen, please tell everyone you know, what we know; that the spread of money pox is no coincidence. It’s so damn obvious.
Here is what a quick internet search produced:
Sep 24, 2019 Approval
FDA Approves Jynneos (Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine, Live, Non-replicating) for Prevention of Smallpox and Monkeypox Disease in Adults. This Monkey Pox virus has been around since the late 50’s, mostly in Africa.

All of a sudden monkeypox is being identified and spread to several countries on a few continents, shortly after the FDA approved the vaccine?
Enough is enough. Enough has been enough!

If there is anything to this, look for government and Big Pharma to push a “new” vaccine and several other government purchased “new” drugs, ban any talk of personal prevention measures, ban any off-patent early treatment measures using off patent medications, institute a bunch of measures designed to make people miserable (like masks) and threaten those who don’t comply, institute and demand “contact tracing measures and “vaccine passports” and a social credit system.

Punish anyone who spreads “misinformation” causing “vaccine hesitancy”, threaten physicians and scientists with de-licensure for mentioning alternate ideas and treatments, stoke massive public fear through the media, push for lock downs and begin further control measures to force their “new” experimental vaccine and several new, unproven very expensive medicines on the public, while shaming and threatening those unwilling to comply with the dictates of every tin hat Democrat tyrant in government.

The mid term elections are this fall and Democrats use drop boxes to stuff illegal fraudulent ballots into. This is another Democrat communist Marxist scam. This may be silly talk, since there more than likely has never been voter fraud and politicians would never be placed in office without proper and legit voting in place.

Let’s find out if it’s another lab altered virus, and lets closely follow the money diverted to offshore research from Federal and government Public Health agencies, especially INAID and NIH. Also we need to look at the WHO and their involvement with the Gates Foundation.

You must see the clown show by now, don’t you? What will it take?

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