Belgium Monkeypox LOCKDOWNS start

Belgium monkeypox lockdowns introduces 21-day quarantine for monkeypox cases. monkeypox is the newest trending lockdown by government.

Belgium monkeypox lockdowns have started May 22, 2022.

Belgium introduces a 21-day quarantine for all monkeypox cases. Here we go again.

Belgium has become the first country to introduce a mandatory quarantine for people with monkeypox. 

Those with monkeypox symptoms will need to isolate until their sores subside, which is expected to be around three weeks. 

Belgium’s Risk Assessment Group (RAG) and health authorities said those infected will need to isolate for 21 days, per the Belgium monkeypox lockdown rule. 

Belgium officials said anyone with symptoms should seek medical advice.

There has been an outbreak of monkeypox Belgium linked to a ‘gay fetish festival’ called Darklands, where three attendees tested positive. Next week they’ll say monkeypox was hosted by an escaped monkey from a zoo.

Belgium monkeypox lockdowns introduces 21-day quarantine for monkeypox cases. monkeypox is the newest trending lockdown by government.

Organisers said: ‘There’s reason to assume that the monkeypox virus has been brought in by visitors from abroad to the festival after recent cases in other countries.’

They circulated warning information from the government saying that those infected would have to self isolate for three weeks and avoid any physical sexual contact. 

Human-to-human transmission of the monkeypox virus is thought to occur primarily through large respiratory droplets.

Respiratory droplets generally cannot travel more than a few feet, so usually prolonged face-to-face contact is required.

Other modes of monkeypox transmission have included direct contact with body fluids or lesion material. So, transmission via sexual activity is possible, but it has not been in such numbers.

But wait, weren’t they just blaming gay men for monkey pox lockdowns?

So they say it’s physical contact, but then morph it into droplets our even touching other things people “infected” have touched. Here come the masks and lockdowns again.

It’s the 2nd round of lockdowns, business and job destruction. ARE YOU GOING TO LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT AGAIN?

Luckily, millions of people will never trust what comes from the mouths of the lying news media.

All media is scripted and used for control of the people by those with money and power, as you know.

Over the last week, concerns have grown about the spread of monkeypox, a viral disease which is usually rare and found mainly in those who recently travelled to Africa.

It has now been found in ten countries outside of Central and West Africa, including the UK where there have been 20 confirmed cases.

Dr Susan Hopkins, a chief medical adviser for UKHSA, said updated figures for the weekend will be released on Monday as she warned of more cases ‘on a daily basis’.

Monkeypox has an incubation period of five to 21 days, so people have been warned to be vigilant for three weeks after they ay have been exposed. 

Dr Hopkins said: ‘The community transmission is largely centred in urban areas and we are predominantly seeing it in individuals who self-identify as gay or bisexual, or other men who have sex with men.’

Asked why it is being found in that demographic, she said: ‘That’s because of the frequent close contacts they may have.

‘We would recommend to anyone who’s having changes in sex partners regularly, or having close contact with individuals that they don’t know, to come forward if they develop a rash.’

The World Health Organisation says that people can catch the disease from close contact with skin lesions of infected people, from inhaling respiratory droplets or touching a contaminated object (such as a towel or bedding.)

They said that transmission via droplet respiratory particles ‘usually requires prolonged face-to-face contact, which puts health workers, household members and other close contacts of active cases at greater risk’.

Many people will not believe this monkeypox news, thinking it is yet another hoax, like covid, to spread fear for compliance.

While this may be true, it is feared that governments of the world will release small pox to “prove their point” to fear everyone into taking yet another dangerous vaccine for world depopulation. Is this crazy talk? Trust your gut and instincts.

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