Door to Door Vaccine Campaign – Biden’s Vaccination Agenda

biden door-to-door vaccine campaign

The new Door-to-door vaccine campaign per biden is meant to convince non-vaxxers to get the Covid Vaccine jab. Their mission is to convince people to get the Covid Vaccine and spread truth on the safety of their “vaccine.”

Biden’s Vaccination Agenda is to have a door to door vaccination campaign to reach Vaccine Skeptics.

The biden administration announced this week they would be launching a new “door-to-door” effort to intimidate Americans who have not received the COVID vaccine. Volunteers and FEMA will be going door to door throughout the summer to entice or convince you into getting the jab.

The door-to-door vaccine campaign was inspired by biden’s failure to reach the arbitrary 4th of July benchmark of reaching 70% vaccination rates in America. People weren’t dying fast enough, so they must push their agenda harder.

biden wants to save your life (It’s Opposite Day)

“Now we need to go community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood and often times door-to-door- literally knocking on doors, to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” Biden told the press.

Biden announced on Tuesday, July 6, 2021, a summer-long effort to reach Americans still resistant to getting vaccinated, including going door-to-door and visiting places of worship, as he fights what growing evidence suggests is ever more entrenched resistance from vaccine holdouts.

People Aren’t Dying Fast Enough

As of May 20, they say 37.8% of the U.S. population has been fully vaccinated.

Even though all Americans over the age of 16 are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, there are still many skeptics: shocking, I know.

One study showed that nearly one out of every four Americans doesn’t plan on getting jabbed, for a variety of reasons.

There are people who worry about side effects, such as death, and those who have fallen victim to misinformation around potential health risks that don’t actually exist.


Their “vaccine” was rushed out the door in 5 months for a “virus” they never saw before. Traditional vaccines take 8 to 10 years to research, design and test.

Their “vaccine” is NOT TESTED and NOT APPROVED.

To combat skepticism, rampant anti-vax conspiracy theories, and general confusion surrounding the shots, people across the country are now going door-to-door to meet with those who are skeptical about the vaccines.

covid vaccine campaign brainwashing. Many people still aren’t receptive, said Tomas Ramos, CEO of Bronx Rising Initiative in New York. Ramos told The New York Times that some residents don’t open their doors, or they just shout, “I’m not getting vaccinated!” from inside their apartments.
Door-to-Door Vaccine Brainwashing

“Our goal is to get (kill-sorry, had to be said) as many people vaccinated as soon as possible with equity front and center,” Vicky Kovari, executive director of the Detroit 2020 Census Campaign and head of Detroit’s vaccine outreach campaign.

“We’re not ignoring any neighborhoods and we’re really intent on making sure people know this is easy, it’s safe, and it’s important.” 

People aren’t skeptical, they’re smart. Most people don’t trust the government and don’t want to die via lethal injection.

People Don’t Want a “Vaccine”

Many people still aren’t receptive, said Tomas Ramos, CEO of Bronx Rising Initiative in New York. Ramos told The New York Times that some residents don’t open their doors, or they just shout, “I’m not getting vaccinated!” from inside their apartments.

Efforts from Door-to-Door vaccine campaign do help in brainwashing some people, though: In Orange County, FL, a group of approximately 150 firefighters and crews visited homes back in March, and successfully got 29 people vaccinated in one day.

In California, Newsom said over 4,900 people have scheduled appointments after meeting with door-knockers. This is sad news.

“If you want to reach people, you have to see them, talk to them, find out what’s on their mind, hear their stories,” Dorsey told Arizona Central. “It’s so important, and it is effective. And we’ll stay at it until percentages get where they need to be.”


In remarks from the White House, Beijing Joe pointed to increased concerns over the delta variant of the coronavirus, which is more transmissible and has forced some European countries back into lockdowns, as he reiterated his exhortation that Americans get a vaccine.

DELTA VARIANT covid is killing everyone. new delta variant is the new and improved covid virus designed to scare more people.
The people aren’t buying covid anymore – ROLL OUT THE DELTA VARIANT!

The new covid DELTA VARIANT is the new and improved virus designed to scare more people into getting the jab.

The government will push and push and make up more lies until they get what they want – NEW WORLD ORDER. If you don’t comply, you will be locked down again.

There are no words to describe the many pathetic attempts at forcing people to get the death jab.

  • Free Krispy Kreme donuts
  • Lottery for a chance to win one million dollars
  • Free gun range time – The jab gets you 100 rounds
  • Bribery of cash prizes
  • Popular social media creators are approached to video themselves getting jabbed in exchange for large sums of money
  • Door-to-door vaccine convincing

PODCAST version of Door-to-Door Covid Vaccine Campaign


Freemasons Controlling The World

Biden’s Door to Door Vaccination Agenda

Press Secretary Jen Psaki doubled down on the announcement, naming the Door-to-Door vaccine campaign as one of the five main objectives of Biden’s COVID response. She said the Door-to-Door vaccine campaign included “targeted community outreach” to “get remaining Americans vaccinated by ensuring that they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”

“Our fight against this virus is not over,” biden said. “Right now, as I speak to you, millions of Americans are still unvaccinated and unprotected. And because of that, their communities are at risk, their friends are at risk. The people that they care about are at risk.”

biden door to door Covid Vaccine campaign. “Our fight against this virus is not over,” biden said. “Right now, as I speak to you, millions of Americans are still unvaccinated and unprotected. And because of that, their communities are at risk, their friends are at risk. The people that they care about are at risk.”
biden wants to save your life and protect you from a virus that never existed

They’re playing the guilt card and using peer pressure to get what they want.

biden stressed that the immunization drive is moving into a new phase, with mass vaccination sites from offices to churches to festivals to pharmacies, so people can get shots when they are “just going in to get toothpaste or something else you need from a drugstore.” How convenient.

The satanic administration’s renewed effort for the Door-to-Door vaccine campaign will center on getting shots into the hands of local doctors and medical experts, hoping that trusted messengers can succeed in convincing people that the vaccinations are safe and beneficial where larger public messaging efforts have failed.

Messaging, marketing and bribery hasn’t failed – PEOPLE DON’T WANT THE VACCINE!

FEMA is Coming Door to Door

FEMA will also be going door-to-door to convince people into getting the vaccine jab.

FEMA said they have the capacity for 3,000 shots a day, and the National Guard is here to help manage those kinds of numbers, but so far the FEMA vaccine pod has only been getting about 100 to 150 people per day.

“We have a few students here with FEMA Corps and they will be going door to door, passing out flyers and they’ll be posting some posters all around town,” said Anthony Valdez

fema is involved in door to door vaccine campaign by biden. “Our fight against this virus is not over,” biden said. “Right now, as I speak to you, millions of Americans are still unvaccinated and unprotected. And because of that, their communities are at risk, their friends are at risk. The people that they care about are at risk.”
FEMA is involved in door-to-door vaccine brainwashing now?

From prioritizing groups of people to get the shot, to try to convince people getting the shot is a priority, welcome to another side of the COVID vaccine bell curve.

“If we can do one vaccine a day or if we do 100 vaccines, it’s a shot in an arm,” said Valdez.

Republicans Against Door-to-Door Vaccine Campaign

Republican lawmakers have been quick to criticize the announcement from Biden.

Representative Massie commented with a joke, saying “A lot of people have big government antibodies. Don’t knock on those doors.”

“The government now wants to go door-to-door to convince you to get an ‘optional’ vaccine,” Representative Lauren Bobert wrote.

Covid Concentration Camps are NOT Conspiracy Theory

Congressman Crenshaw tweeted “How about don’t knock on my door. You’re not my parents. You’re the government. Make the vaccine available, and let people be free to choose. Why is that concept so hard for the left?

Many have also asked the pretty serious question: how does the government plan on tracking “unvaccinated” individuals in the first place? As of now, no COVID-passport nonsense tracking system is in place, so they say.

biden Wants EVERYONE To Get The Jab

The White House is increasingly confronting the reality of just how many Americans are refusing to roll up their sleeves despite a full-scale effort by the federal government.

Tuesday’s push comes two days after biden fell short of a self-imposed goal that 70 percent of U.S. adults would have received at least one dose of a vaccine by the Fourth of July.

Nearly 3 in 10 Americans (29 percent) say they are not likely to get vaccinated, including 20 percent saying they will definitely not do so, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll published last week. The 29 percent who say they are unlikely to get a vaccine is an increase over the 24 percent who said the same thing in April.

The decision about whether to get vaccinated increasingly splits along partisan lines. The survey finds that 86 percent of Democrats have received at least one shot (of saline), compared with 45 percent of Republicans. Another 7 percent of Democrats say they are likely to do so, compared with 4 percent of Republicans.

“People have a choice. They don’t need your medical brown shirts showing up at their door ordering vaccinations,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) wrote on Twitter, along with a video of Biden discussing the administration’s door-to-door efforts to get people vaccinated. “You can’t force people to be part of the human experiment.”

covid vaccine reminiscent of NAZI GERMANY. “People have a choice. They don’t need your medical brown shirts showing up at their door ordering vaccinations,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) wrote on Twitter, along with a video of Biden discussing the administration’s door-to-door efforts to get people vaccinated. “You can’t force people to be part of the human experiment.”
door-to-door vaccine campaign reminiscent of NAZI “brown shirts”

The Brownshirts, also called the SA, were a violent paramilitary group linked with the Nazis who operated outside the law, attacked Jews and leftists, and were critical to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.

The refusal of the unvaccinated has potential consequences for the country’s return to normal. Unvaccinated people have a greater chance of getting infected with the virus, giving it an opportunity to mutate to a more transmissible form, or one that can sicken people who have been inoculated.

The government will never stop the fear tactics to scare you into doing what they want

As the delta variant has spread, the World Health Organization has reiterated its recommendation that all people, including those who are fully vaccinated, wear masks to slow the spread of the virus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has not revised its guidance for Americans that fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks in most settings.

biden on Tuesday warned about the dangers of remaining unvaccinated as the delta variant moves through the United States, particularly for younger people who have lagged in getting shots.

The new delta variant of covid just showed up out of the blue.

“It seems to me this should cause everybody to think twice and it should cause reconsideration, especially young people who may have thought that they didn’t have to be vaccinated, didn’t have to worry about it, didn’t have to do anything about it up to now,” biden said. “But the good news is that our vaccinations are highly effective (at killing people.)

biden Cares About Your Health (still Opposite Day)

biden says fully vaccinated Americans have a high degree of protection, including against this delta variant.”

biden stressed that over the next few weeks, the administration’s efforts would be increasingly granular, seeking to weave vaccinations into the patterns of daily life.

The satanic administration will try to get vaccine doses in the hands of pediatricians, hoping they will get children vaccinated before they return to school or as they get physicals in advance of playing fall sports.

The government will expand the use of mobile clinics and try to create opportunities for more people to get vaccinated at their workplace.

“Now we need to go community by community, neighbor by neighbor and in some cases door to door to get help to the communities that need it,” Biden said.

Good luck with the Door-to-Door vaccine campaign, Beijing Joe.

What are your thoughts on the Door-to-Door vaccine campaign? Let us know in the comments section below.

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