Unvaccinated Nurses Escorted From The Hospital

unvaccinated nurse fired by kaiser hospital

More unvaccinated nurses are being escorted from hospitals they work in for refusing to take the covid death jab.

The video below shows unvaccinated nurses escorted out of the Kaiser hospital for refusing the COVID vaccine was viewed 2.5 million times on Twitter as of Sunday.

Despite hospitals and other facilities across the country facing serious staffing shortages for nurses and other healthcare professionals, hundreds are being fired or placed on unpaid leave until they come into compliance.

Last year, medical staff was praised as “heroes” and now they’re being escorted out of the hospitals for not being vaccinated. Granted, many of the videos had dancing nurses (scripted), but real, unvaccinated nurses are being shown the door.

It doesn’t matter if these unvaccinated nurses have medical exemptions or religious beliefs; they are escorted out of the hospital by security for their non compliance.

Unvaccinated Nurse Escorted From The Kaiser hospital. Unvaccinated nurses fired from hospitals for refusing to take the covid death jab. Kaiser hospital is firing unvaccinated nurses. ROTTER News

If hospitals were “so overwhelmed” they would not be firing unvaccinated healthcare workers.

IF there was a Black Plague, we would need these health care workers.

I hope by now you can see the tyranny spreading all through the world by all governments.

The Unvaccinated Are Treated As Criminals

Another Unvaccinated Nurse Escorted From The Hospital

The Kaiser Permanente nurse said the hospital placed her on unpaid administrative leave on Saturday after refusing to accept her religious exemption from the vaccine without giving reasons for the decision.

“I am being escorted out of Kaiser Permanente hospital for my religious beliefs because I don’t want to get the jab,” she said. “And I asked all day for someone to explain to me why my sincerely held religious beliefs are not good enough for Kaiser. And no one was able to do that for me.”

Kaiser Permanente is headquartered in California but also has locations in Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Virginia, DC, Ohio, and Washington.

Security guards were seen in the video escorting the nurse out of the hospital to her vehicle.

At one point during the video she was seen asking random people in the hospital if they believed in religious freedom as she claimed that Kaiser doesn’t believe in it.

“I’m willing to lose my safety, security, my house, everything for freedom,” she adds. “I want you to think about that.”

The nurse said she has been working since the beginning of COVID “when we didn’t know what was going on.”

“They’re firing nurses who are willing to work. Doesn’t make sense to me. So you have got to ask yourself that question: what kind of world are we living in when we have a pandemic,” she added.

Unvaccinated nurses fired from hospitals for refusing to take the covid death jab. Kaiser hospital is firing unvaccinated nurses. ROTTER News

biden issued an order in September requiring health-care staff nationwide to get vaccinated against COVID. The order applies to all health-care workers who work for hospitals, ambulance services, clinics or facilities that are funded by the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

As a result of biden’s vaccine mandate order, hundreds of health-care staff across the country were either suspended or fired for not complying with the requirement.

Earlier in October, an unvaccinated ICU nurse at the University of California Los Angeles was also escorted out of the hospital for not complying with the mandate. California required health-care workers to get at least the first dose of the vaccine by September 30.

“Those out of compliance are subject to progressive discipline, including restricting access to work sites and being placed on leave,” a UCLA Health spokesperson told Newsweek.

Meanwhile in North Carolina, the Novant Health hospital system fired around 175 of its staff for defying the vaccine mandate. Similarly, the Houston Methodist Hospital in Texas lost 153 of its workers, including 26 nurses, who either quit or were fired.

Why is the government firing healthcare workers in the middle of a “pandemic” that is “killing everyone?”

Are you putting the pieces together yet?

“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” – Thomas Jefferson

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