The Truth About Covid Vaccines

the truth about Covid Vaccines

The truth about Covid Vaccines is they are killing people, while hospitals are murdering the rest.

The CDC and FDA prefer that you not read this article. They don’t want you to find out exactly how many people have been killed by the vaccines. They don’t want you to know the truth.

The Truth About Covid Vaccines – Covid Vaccines are designed to kill people. The CDC, FDA and government are lying to you about vaccines.

We are in a silent war with governments around the world. Governments and Big Pharma have been silencing people on social media, at the workplace, turning people against one another and still enforcing ridiculous mask mandates after 1.5 years.

On July 15, 2021, the US Surgeon General called COVID misinformation an “urgent threat.”

The White House is working with social media companies to ban “medical disinformation” by “conspiracy theorists” (truth seekers.)

If you question anything by government or any entity, then GOOD FOR YOU!

Only a fool would blindly do as they’re told, especially when their health or life is at stake.

PODCAST version of The Truth About Covid Vaccines

What Press Secretary Jen Psaki neglects to say is that the biggest misinformation is coming from the CDC, FDA, and NIH. These organizations do not want you to know how many people have been killed or permanently disabled by the COVID vaccines. They want you to believe that early treatments don’t work.

They don’t want you to know their own data shows that for the alpha variant, vaccination only makes sense if you are over 30 years old and for the delta variant, because it is nearly 7 times less deadly; vaccination makes no sense at all: for all ages.

The Covid “vaccine” will kill more people than it will save. Early treatments are the superior alternative: they are proven in practice to have a higher risk reduction and better safety profile than any of the current vaccines. Early treatments include less stress, eating better, getting proper rest, drinking plenty of fluids, etc.

Here is the death count in the official database (VAERS: vaccine adverse event reporting system) that is used by the CDC and FDA to track adverse events (as of Jul 10, 2021.)

The truth about Covid Vaccines. We are in a silent war with governments around the world. Governments and Big Pharma have been silencing people on social media, at the workplace, turning people against one another and still enforcing ridiculous mask mandates after 1.5 years.

The 9,048 deaths  might be under-counted by a factor of 10 or more, according to a report commissioned by the NIH.

When you consider that the rate of reporting this year was about the same as previous years (there were just a lot more events and we can prove this), we could be looking at well over 100,000 deaths caused by the vaccines in the US alone.

But the other thing you have to consider is that the 300 to 500 deaths each year on that chart are almost all “background deaths” that are coincidental because people die every day.

The actual deaths caused by previous vaccines are fewer than 10 per year reported to VAERS. So when cases spike to close to 10,000 death reports in the first 6 months, and the propensity to report hasn’t changed at all (which we can show), something is very seriously wrong.

What The Vaccine Is Doing To Humanity – Christiane Northrup

This video is for all the disbelievers in the supposed Conspiracy Theory that they’re out to depopulate the world. The truth always comes out in the end. Covid-19 shots are not vaccines, but deadly bioweapons designed to kill human beings.

The Covid-19 hoax is a long planned agenda that has been put in place and orchestrated by the psychopathic Governments around the world, to destroy our lives, take away our freedoms and control us forever.

If people don’t wake up now and refuse to take these vaccines, it could be what really ends up destroying civilization all together, which is exactly what Governments want to happen..

There is no scientific proof or the existence of the Covid19 virus, as it has NEVER been isolated, purified in a laboratory using Kochs Postulates or demonstrated under an electron microscope.

PCR test shows only an RNA sequence COMPUTER model of the virus, not a real virus.

The truth about Covid Vaccines. We are in a silent war with governments around the world. Governments and Big Pharma have been silencing people on social media, at the workplace, turning people against one another and still enforcing ridiculous mask mandates after 1.5 years.

No one has seen how this “virus” looks in reality. The problem is what they are showing in “positive” PCR tests is our body’s own harmless exosomes which look exactly like Covid-19.

The scientist who invented the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test is Kary B. Mullis. According to Mullis himself, PCR should never be used as a tool in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.” These tests do not detect viruses or infectious diseases, but RNA which we all have.

Anyone who takes a PCR test will test positive for Covid-19 because of harmless exosomes and something called amplification. They increase amplification for more positive cases and decrease it for more negative cases. They can have as many or as little cases they like to push the Covid-19 agenda. That is how they pull of the great Covid-19 plandemic hoax. Its all smoke, mirrors, deceptions and lies!

We have been demanding the Government provide evidence that that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lockdowns actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses – They don’t. No such studies exist; social distancing is based in science – It isn’t. Contact tracing has any bearing on the spread of a virus – of course it doesn’t. The Governments are making it up as they go along, as they have with all other hoaxes…911 being one of them.

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