moon landing hoax

The moon landing hoax was one of the largest stunts every pulled by US government. Other lies and planned events for brainwashing include the Kennedy assassination, 911, George Floyd Death hoax, and of course, covid – to fear people into taking their experimental DNA altering drug – “the vaccine.”

FEARFollows Elite Agends Religiously

Standing up to “authority” makes most people feel uncomfortable. Most people don’t want to cause waves, “get in trouble” and are afraid of what others will think of them for going against the majority. You are an individual who needs to think for yourself without outside influence.

People who follow their “science” (lies) are the most sick and lost because the “science” being followed is herd and group psychology – cognitive dissonance enforced by fear and brainwashing. Their “science” is a cult following for control.

The Apollo 11 mission was an important event for the United States and the world. Astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong climbed down the ladder of the lunar module and onto the surface of the moon. They took the first steps of any woman or man on this surface.

Neil Armstrong said, “that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”, on that momentous occasion on July 20, 1969 when he stepped onto the surface of the moon for the very first time…supposedly.

Does anyone else find it strange that decades before the internet, nanotechnology and cloning, NASA was able to build a rocket that could not only land on the moon, but live broadcast the event to 600 million people? 

How did the camera crew get there first to film the “landing on the moon?”

Moon Landing Hoax Video – NASA LIES – All You Need To Know – Must Watch

The most famous transmission, the moon landing hoax itself, was broadcast to the world on July 20, 1969. This footage captured Armstrong and Aldrin climbing down from the lunar module and onto the surface of the moon. The camera was stored on the module itself so it did not need to be held. Once the two men had reached the moon’s surface, the camera was moved from the lunar module and placed on a tripod about 30 feet from it. 

The footage of the moon landing hoax was “sent down to Earth” and received by 3 places on the planet. These included Parkes Observatory and Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station in Australia, and the Goldstone Tracking Station in California. These signals were then converted so that they could be seen by the world on the TVs in their homes. This conversion was necessary due to the type of equipment that the Apollo crew needed to use while in space.  

These transmissions had a long way to travel to arrive to the TV in people’s homes. But this process only took a few seconds. And so while there was a short delay between the filming on the moon and viewing on Earth, the moon landing was watched live by NASA and the world.

Is There Wind On The Moon?

An iconic image from the moon landing hoax: the American flag planted on the moon waves gently in the breeze. Only, there is no breeze on the moon, meaning there is no air in the moon’s atmosphere, and hence, there is no wind whatsoever. This is one of the most obvious stuff ups in the staged moon landing hoax.

Of course, NASA tries to get around this by saying it wasn’t blowing in the wind, it was just a bit crumpled from being rolled up on the journey. If crumpled up, why does it blow in the wind? Why does the flag not stay still against the pole it is mounted on, while in its crumpled up condition? What is keeping the cloth fabric up? I’ve only seen flags up due to wind and can’t think of any other reason why it would not fall to the pole with no wind, as all flags do. Judge for yourself.

An iconic image from the moon landing hoax: the American flag planted on the moon waves gently in the breeze. Only, there is no breeze on the moon, meaning there is no air in the moon’s atmosphere, and hence, there is no wind whatsoever. This is one of the most obvious stuff ups in the staged moon landing hoax. Of course, NASA tries to get around this by saying it wasn’t blowing in the wind, it was just a bit crumpled from being rolled up on the journey. Judge for yourself.
No wind on the moon

Shadows On The Moon?

NASA produced an abundant supply of photos and video footage to support their moon landing hoax. It soon became evident there was something a bit off about these photos on the “moon.” Ever noticed the angles of the shadows do not match up? Shadows are caused by light sources. On the moon, there should only be one light source: the Sun. Logically, all shadows should be parallel to each other – shadows in the photos of moon landing hoax are not. In fact, the shadows in many of the photos run in different directions. It’s almost as if the shadows are caused by multiple lights such as on a film set.

NASA produced an abundant supply of photos and video footage to support their moon landing. But, it soon became evident that there was something a bit fishy about these photos on the moon; ever noticed that the angle of the shadows do not match up? Shadows are caused by light sources. On the moon, there should only be one light source: the Sun. So, logically, all shadows should be parallel to each other. Only shadows in the photos of moon landing are not. In fact, the shadows in many of the photos run in different directions. It’s almost as if the shadows are caused by… yes, multiple lights on a film set!
Why are shadows “on the moon” pointing in different directions?

I challenge you to go outside and find shadows of light posts, trees, mailboxes, anything, pointing in different directions.

Then of course we have the MARS Rover landing hoax, which no one really cared about. The MARS rover landing was in and out of the news within a week – probably because people just weren’t biting.

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