Door to Door Vaccine Gestapo Came to My House

door to door vaccine gestapo

Not only did door to door vaccine gestapo come to MY DOOR last week, but they are calling and leaving voice mails as well.

Last week the door bell rang and I had a feeling it was the vaccine gestapo, as I was not expecting anyone.

From a side window in my office I saw 2 younger men, both wearing the pointless covid cloth masks on their face. They carried clipboards and plastic bags that contained the helpful covid “vaccine” pamphlets.

One of the men was on the ready with a covid pamphlet in hand for when I opened the door; which I did not. I always said I would open the door for door to door Covid Vaccine gestapo to have a bit of fun, but I didn’t feel like dealing with their BS.

Even if I wanted to open the door, I didn’t have enough time; they left quick, as my 2 German shepherds blasted the front window, enforcing the NO SOLICITORS sign. The dogs don’t like strangers much. The dogs got rid of them before I had a chance to answer the door.

The 3rd German shepherd was in the backyard barking at the gate when he heard the men talking at the front of the house.

Not only are Covid Vaccine gestapo going door to door to educate people on the safety of their death jab, but they’re also making phone calls and leaving voice mails. I had no idea they would be calling as well, to push their “vaccine”, but I’m not surprised.

Covid Vaccine Pushers are Making Phone Calls Too

The voice mail left for me is from the New Jersey dept. of Health and I don’t even live in New Jersey.

Here is one voice mail left for me from a covid vaccine pusher last week.

New Jersey dept. of Health is calling me to discuss the Covid Vaccine Death Jab

Here is the number they left, if you want to get more educated on the “safety of covid vaccines” or to have a bit of fun – 1-855-568-0545 between 8am and 8pm 7 days a week.

I looked up the New Jersey Covid Vaccine number and this is what I found

Vaccine Call Center

The Vaccine Call Center (1-855-568-0545) is available to register individuals in the NJ Vaccine Scheduling System, answer questions about the covid vaccine, provide contact information for sites, check registration status, and update registration information. The hotline is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day and can help callers in more than 240 different languages.

NJ Vaccine Scheduling System Online Form

If you experience an error or need support with the NJ Vaccine Scheduling System, you can complete an online form at

Senior Hotline

Seniors 65+ can call the senior-specific hotline at 856-249-7007 from 8am to 8pm to schedule dedicated vaccine appointments. Dedicated appointment slots are reserved for those aged 65 and older.

Homebound Individuals

If you are unable to leave the home to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or are the healthcare provider or family caregiver of someone who is homebound, you may request an in-home vaccination appointment by completing a form at (English) or

For assistance completing the form by phone, please call the NJ COVID-19 Vaccine Call Center at 1-855-568-0545.

They are really pushing the Covid Agenda aren’t they?

Not only are people going door to door to convince you to take their Covid Vaccine, but they’re making phone calls for their covid depopulation Agenda.

Not only are people going door to door to convince you to take their Covid Vaccine, but they're making phone calls for their covid depopulation Agenda.
Think about it

Biden is telling door to door Covid Vaccine pushers to IGNORE NO SOLICITATION SIGNS

Biden’s telling leftist door-to-door vaccination volunteers to ignore no-solicitation signs and to downplay vaccination side effects.

The document is subtitled “helpful hints” for “health ambassadors.” The Covid Vaccine tipsheet being used by the volunteers is reportedly called “Door Knocking Project to Increase COVID Vaccine Acceptance.”

The Covid Vaccine document and script includes a video that is meant to train the “health ambassadors” on going door-to-door and was released to Lake County, IL authorities back in April 2021.

Covid Tipsheet for Door to Door Vaccine Gestapo

door to door vaccine tipsheet for gestapo volunteers.
Tips for the door to door Gestapo on how to handle people not willing to take their Covid Vaccine jab
The Covid Vaccine tipsheet only became newsworthy this week when the biden announced his invasive effort to get all Americans vaccinated against COVID-19.
Data the door to door Gestapo will collect

The Covid Vaccine tipsheet only became newsworthy this week when the biden announced his invasive effort to get all Americans vaccinated against COVID-19.

The instructions also advised door to door Covid Vaccine volunteers to stay calm and to not get discouraged by possible “rude” reactions, stick to a “script,” stay confident, and “have fun.”

“This is an amazing thing you’re doing. Regardless of how people respond, have confidence that you are making a difference and helping to save lives,” the Covid Vaccine tipsheet states.

The document gives various instructions and tips on how to handle individuals who answer their door including “Inform, don’t convince,” “Knock and then back up,” and “Ignore no soliciting signs.”
Beijing Joe says “Ignore no soliciting signs.”

The door to door Covid Vaccine tipsheet document for trespassers gives various instructions and tips on how to handle individuals who answer their door including “Inform, don’t convince,” “Knock and then back up,” and “Ignore no soliciting signs.”


“Ignore no soliciting signs. You’re not soliciting! You’re offering critical information and resources. What you are doing is not illegal,” the tipsheet admonishes.

CLICK HERE to read a great post detailing Covid Vaccine side effects and deaths.

Door to door Covid Vaccine volunteers were instructed to fill out a spreadsheet and note who is already vaccinated and who is “not interested.” Then they were to report back their questions, concerns, and other “important information that the Health Department is relying on.” Many contend this is for a database that not only tracks vaccinations, but individual medical data, and possibly other private information as well.


As a legal reminder, it is a hipaa violation for anyone to ask you your medical history or info! I’m not an attorney but you don’t have to be to know hipaa rights. Look into it. Hipaa prevents ANYONE from discussing any medical history with you or anyone not on your list.

You know the form you fill out at your doctor’s office to give your medical consent to only people you list on the form? That’s the hipaa form.

Only people you list on the HIPAA form will be able to speak with your doctor regarding your medical history.

If your mother calls the doctor’s office to inquire on something, they are NOT allowed to discuss anything with her, unless you listed her contact info on the hipaa form you signed! Even if she proves she is your mother, they are not allowed to discuss anything with her!

Did you put random strangers on your hipaa consent form? Probably not.

It’s a crime for ANYONE to ask ANYTHING regarding your medical status or history.


Former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann told Fox News Channel’s “Watters’ World” Saturday to beware of what’s coming concerning a database and to prepare for it.

“I’m glad that this is an issue, and I want to urge all the viewers to go out and buy ‘No Trespassing’ signs at the local hardware store – “No solicitor” signs. Affix them to your front doors, put them right out by your front stoop, end of your driveway, because the government has zero business to do this, zero right. And what they’re wanting all of us to do is to check our Bill of Rights, our civil liberties, at the door,” she said.

“I’m glad that this is an issue, and I want to urge all the viewers to go out and buy ‘No Trespassing’ signs at the local hardware store – “No solicitor” signs. Affix them to your front doors, put them right out by your front stoop, end of your driveway, because the government has zero business to do this, zero right. And what they’re wanting all of us to do is to check our Bill of Rights, our civil liberties, at the door,” she said.

“And it’s amazing. All of America is based upon the fact that we have rights against the government. And they want us, just as a matter of idea, to give up all of our first 10 Bill of Rights, our civil liberties, and say, ‘We’ll take it from here, we’re the federal government.’ Because don’t let anybody suffer any delusions about this.

There is a database. There will be a database, and everybody will be in that database. And it’s not just vaccine status, it will be your entire medical history. It will be connected to your finances. This is going to get bigger, bigger, bigger, so you stop it now, and you don’t give any information to any government questioner at your door,” she urged.

What the Government (Gestapo) Says

Earlier in the week, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra caused concern when he stated that it’s “absolutely the government’s business” to know whether or not individuals have been vaccinated. He declared that “knocking on a door has never been against the law” and “it is our business” to make sure Americans can “prosper” and “freely associate” by being vaccinated against Covid-19.


“Now we need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood and, oftentimes, door to door – literally knocking on doors – to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus,” Biden stated to the press. Biden then added that coronavirus “surge response teams” would be mobilized to combat new outbreaks among the unvaccinated.

You mean the new Delta variant the government just made up?

Becerra only made things worse when he argued that the administration wants to give Americans “the sense that they have the freedom to choose.”

“We try to give people as much freedom and choice as possible, but clearly, when over 600,000 Americans have died, the best choice is to get vaccinated,” he remarked.

Just a FEW Twitter Anti-Vaccine Tweets

Twitter handles removed for privacy

The door to door Covid Vaccine tipsheet document for volunteers gives various instructions and tips on how to handle individuals who answer their door including “Inform, don’t convince,” “Knock and then back up,” and “Ignore no soliciting signs.”
The door to door Covid Vaccine tipsheet document for volunteers gives various instructions and tips on how to handle individuals who answer their door including “Inform, don’t convince,” “Knock and then back up,” and “Ignore no soliciting signs.”
The door to door Covid Vaccine tipsheet document for volunteers gives various instructions and tips on how to handle individuals who answer their door including “Inform, don’t convince,” “Knock and then back up,” and “Ignore no soliciting signs.”

Door to Door Vaccine PUSH Isn’t Working – Imagine That

A new Morning Consult/Politico poll shows that the door-to-door Covid Vaccine outreach is not having the desired effect the Biden administration is seeking. It posits that 65 percent of GOP voters are against the vaccination push.

In response to pushback by Republicans, White House press secretary Jen Psaki proclaimed that the lack of accurate information on vaccines is “literally killing people,” and Dr. Anthony Fauci described the resistance as “inexplicable” and “highly ideological.”

You know what’s killing people? THEIR VACCINE

Government Calls THE TRUTH Disinformation

  • If you say a loved one or friend died within a week of receiving their “vaccine”, you’re spreading disinformation.
  • If you attempt to upload videos or posts to social media regarding Covid Vaccine fatalities, they are removed
  • If you think for yourself and refuse to get their vaccine you’re spreading lies
  • If you speak against what the government is doing, you’re a racist or conspiracy theorist

Anything you do that goes against their agenda is seen as spreading disinformation.

Government is cracking down on Covid “misinformation”

This video from the lying news media shows you how desperate they are to push their rules on people. They are determined to shut anyone down who speaks against their agenda for depopulation.

Before you watch this video, check out the likes vs dislikes on the video (all videos from the Whitehouse or liberals always have the same results.)

The numbers say it all

What are your thoughts on Door to Door Vaccine Pushers? Let us know in the comments section below.

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