Australia Lockdowns – Concentration Camps

Australia lockdowns and concentration camps

Australia Lockdowns have escalated to Australia’s Indigenous Taken to Covid Quarantine Camps – Just Another Conspiracy Theory Come True.

In Australia, there has been what they call a “COVID breakout” in the northern territories. Now, the Aboriginals (the indigenous people) are starting to be taken to quarantine camps and the people in Rockwell and Binjari have been put into a strict lockdown.

The Australian army is going door to door in these areas to ask the people there to take the vaccine as they are in low-vaccinated areas.

Australia Lockdowns will soon spread to other countries

Australia Lockdowns are another conspiracy theory come true. People are being put into CAMPS if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or if they are a contact of someone that has tested positive for COVID-19. 

The Covid plannedemic fear porn started close to 2 years ago with 2 weeks to flatten the curve. Many knew this was a scam and it would be far longer than 2 weeks.

Fast forward 2 years later as the planned riots, looting, mask mandates, mandatory lockdowns and soon to be mandatory vaccines catapult Australia and Austria into complete totalitarianism.

The ARMY is also going door to door to urge you to take the vaccine. When will people open their eyes and say “enough is enough?”

Australia lockdowns are getting WORSE! IT’S HAPPENING!

Around The World, People Are Being Taken Away, Put In Camps, DisappearingMUST WATCH!

In Australia, the unvaccinated are not be able to go anywhere without having the vaccine.

Is it acceptable that the government can dictate what is Injected in your and your childrens bodies? What happens when this comes to YOUR city, YOUR country, YOUR children?

Will anyone bat an eye to that too? Or is it all STILL a conspiracy?

It’s time to stand up against tyranny and the time is now!

Australia Lockdowns bring the Covid plannedemic to an entirely different level.

Australian Hayley Hodgson was placed in a “Covid internment camp” despite testing negative for the virus.

She was confined to a box for 14 days, offered valium when she complained about confinement and lost her job.

Almost 2 years later, the virus and forced “vaccines” that are killing and injuring people in record numbers, have escalated into forced compliance and now, concentration camps for the unvaccinated.

Australia is forcibly lock healthy people into their homes AND throw those infected with Covid onto the back of army trucks to transport them to QUARANTINE CAMPS for isolation.

Do you still think this is about a “virus” with a very high recovery rate?

The government and hospitals are murdering people!

Australia Covid Concentration Camps

Australia Lockdown update, the unvaccinated are not be able to go anywhere without having the vaccine. Is it acceptable that the government can dictate what is Injected in your and your childrens bodies? What happens when this comes to YOUR city, YOUR country, YOUR children?
Australian Covid Concentration Camps
Australia Lockdowns, the unvaccinated are not be able to go anywhere without having the vaccine. Is it acceptable that the government can dictate what is Injected in your and your childrens bodies? What happens when this comes to YOUR city, YOUR country, YOUR children?
Staff conduct a Swabbing run at a PPE drill at the NCCTRCA/AUSMAT sections of the Howard Springs quarantine facility.

The same governments who openly talk about mass depopulation (and blame you for global warming – hoax) are forcing the vaccine, which is killing people!

The lying mainstream news media is run by the government, which is controlled by the Deep State (Freemasons and Illuminati.)


Australia and Austria are the testing grounds for compliance…other countries will follow!



Two more months have passed and Australia is now rounding up citizens and putting them into ‘quarantine camps’… Austria and Germany threatening to jail people who don’t take the shot… Many others implementing segregationist policies. When can we compare to Nazi Germany?

The Northern Territory’s Covid-19 outbreak is expected to grow beyond locked-down areas after nine new cases were detected in the remote community of Binjari, about 320km south of Darwin.

Binjari and nearby Rockhole have been placed into strict lockdown in response to the outbreak, and the Australian defence force has been called in to help with transferring positive cases and close contacts.

The NT’s chief minister, Michael Gunner, on Sunday said a 78-year-old woman was being treated in Royal Darwin hospital, while the other eight cases had been taken to the Howard Springs quarantine centre.



The Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner absolutely explodes on anyone who opposes his totalitarianism, calling them “anti-vaxxers.”

Australian army hauls 38 citizens to quarantine facility over some positive COVID tests

The group of 38, identified by health authorities as either positive cases or ‘close contacts,’ was taken in army trucks to Howard Springs quarantine facility, located at a former mining camp near Darwin in northern Australia. 

The government of Australia’s Northern Territory has ordered the transfer of 38 Australians from a remote Aboriginal town to a quarantine facility. Nine people there had tested positive for COVID-19.

“It is highly likely that more residents will be transferred to Howard Springs today either as positive cases or close contacts,” announced Michael Gunner, chief minister of the Northern Territory, at a press conference Sunday.  

In the Aboriginal town of Binjari near Katherine, in Australia’s Northern Territory, nine people tested positive for COVID. Both Binjari and the neighboring town of Rockhole are now fully locked down. Residents are not allowed to leave their homes except for emergencies, medical treatment, or “if required by law.” 

Gunner described Binjari as a “low-vaccination community” but said the vaccination status of the positive cases “has not been confirmed yet.” 

He also thanked the Australian armed forces for assisting with the transfer of positive cases and close contacts to the quarantine facility. 

“We are grateful for the support of about 20 ADF (Australian Defence Forces) personnel as well as army trucks to assist with the transfer of positive cases and close contacts and to support the communities,” said Gunner.  

According to the Northern Territory’s official COVID website, there are two “mandatory supervised quarantine facilities” in that part of the country.

One is located in Alice Springs, and the other, called the “Centre for National Resilience,” in Howard Springs, just south of Darwin.

According to engineering firm AECOM, the facility can host up to 850 people.

“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” – Thomas Jefferson

Read about the Covid Vaccine deaths, side effects and dangers here.

Share your thoughts on Australia Lockdowns in the comments section below. I know many of you have stories to tell.

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