Australia Lockdowns Again and THE TRUTH

Australia lockdowns update

Australia lockdowns are happening again and truth is hidden by the mainstream lying news media. Lucky for us, there are MANY people reporting from Australia (and other countries) as to what is really going on.

These brave men and women have taken to the streets to report what is really going on with Australia lockdowns again in their country with mandates, vaccines and lockdowns.

One of our ROTTER News readers, Linda, lives in Australia and has been keeping me posted on what is going on in Australia. The following post is an email from Linda, to keep us posted on what is going on in Australia. Thank you Linda for letting us know what is going on in Australia!

PLEASE share this post on Australia Lockdowns so others may find the truth!

Linda from down under.  This is what we are hearing too that many aborigines have been rounded up and taken away.  It’s criminal.  No media is reporting on it and none of us know what to do. 

They took aboriginal people from out in the middle of nowhere to camps and so we heard forced them to be vaccinated although there is conflicting accounts of this.  We are helpless to do anything. 

We have seen stories where people who move away from their cabin (in these camps) are fined $5k it’s so absurd. 

There were 9 young people that escaped.  Apparently they didn’t have covid but were found and re detained.  The whole thing is crazy. 

Australia is now under communistic rule but many are still asleep.  If it hasn’t affected them they are oblivious to what is happening. 

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We are fighting back though with very large rallies especially in Melbourne against Australia lockdowns again.  Next week we hope to get over 1 million.  Not sure how we actually manage to remove the government but we will keep fighting until we do. 

Great to see you are getting the word out.  I find it extremely funny that America in years gone by has invaded many communistic countries because of the tyrannical leaders but Biden has stayed eerily quite.  Very strange indeed.  Maybe they’re all in it together.

Indoor masks mandatory in Victoria – More Australia Lockdowns 12/22/2021

Just to add to my last email from a couple of days ago, Victoria is now being told that we once again have to wear masks indoors and outdoors, for Australia lockdowns again, (unless seated) can you believe that. This comes into affect 11:59pm tomorrow night, Xmas eve.  I cannot believe it. 

Many are suggesting that in the New Year they will reintroduce lockdowns again.  This may be a good things as I am hoping it wakes the sleepers up.  Will keep you informed.

Highlights from this Covid FEAR PORN Video Regarding Australia Lockdowns

  • Indoor masks will be mandatory in Victoria from 11:59pm tonight.
  • “Face masks will be required in all indoor settings, except private homes, for persons eight and over,” Acting Victorian Premier James Merlino said.
  • “Face masks will also be required at all major events over 30,000 people. 
  • Again, to be clear, face masks will be required indoors and outdoors when moving around, although masks can be removed when seated outdoors.
  •  Again, “common sense.” 
  • “This is a sensible response which will allow businesses to stay open, bars and restaurants to continue to stay open and major events to go ahead.
  • “Masks are a cheap and effective way to maintain the health of the community and it’s something public health experts have been calling for.
  • “We’re also going to be recommending Victorians take advantage of the festive season and work from home. “A lot of people are already doing this through the Christmas-New Year period. Again, it makes common sense.”

I live in regional Victoria just outside of Ballarat which is about 1.5 hours from Melbourne.  I grew up in the heart of Melbourne so all my family and many friends still live there. 

I have been attending the Melbourne protests the last month or so except for last weekend as Ballarat had their own protest.  Was stoked to see around 5k turn up.  I thought we would have been lucky to get 1k so there are definitely more waking as time goes on. 

Melbourne 2 weekends ago got somewhere between 750k and 1 million.  The numbers are growing each week in fact they appear to be doubling in size as only 4 weeks ago there was around 250k, then 500k then like I said maybe 1 million. 

The weekend just gone was organized by a political group not the freedom movement so not as many turned up but this coming Saturday 12/12 they are saying will be massive. 

I am uncertain what will happen as I feel as much as walking the streets is great how do we topple the government? 

Our leader Daniel Andrew’s is a Dictator but slowly things with him are unravelling. 

In the past week 7 of his ministers have said they wont stand for re election next time which is Nov 22.  He leads the Labor Party which is like your Liberal Party.  He loves Biden or should I say Bidan. They are tarred with the same brush although I do believe Dan is not as mentally impaired as Bidan….well not in the same way at least.  We use the same slogan as you guys started….Let’s go BiDAN in reference to Joe and to Dan. 

Believe me Dan Andrews is very much hated here just like Joe biden. 

Daniel Andrews. Australia lockdowns and mandates update. Australians are definitely fighting back.  We are having massive large rallies around Australia which I believe will continue to grow.  We will not give up and we are all prepared to fight until we win.  Still many asleep and there is a huge division across the country.
Daniel Andrews, Australia’s biden

Unfortunately some years ago the Labor Party brought in a rule that stops their leader being toppled by others.  I believe that is until next election so unless We The people can do something we are stuck with him.

I’ve been following American politics since Trump had the election stolen.  I know almost as much about you guys as I do here.  100% agree that Bidan is a fraud but am getting more and more confused with what is going on now with Lin Wood and General Flynn.  Is it a psyop?  Who knows.  I did really like Mike Flynn and not really sure what to think.  I trust Lin Wood and dont think he is crazy, he is just a Godly man….something I believe the world needs more of. Of course that’s just my opinion.  

So an Aborigine is our lands indigenous folk.  The first people of this nation.  Many of them live in extremely isolated areas of Australia and we are struggling to believe that they could in any way be a threat in regard to Covid.  Word has it that our government wants to remove them so they can reclaim all the land and resources that they returned to the indigenous some years ago. 

Australia lockdowns and truth. Aborigines are being taken. So an Aborigine is our lands indigenous folk.  The first people of this nation.  Many of them live in extremely isolated areas of Australia and we are struggling to believe that they could in any way be a threat in regard to Covid.  Word has it that our government wants to remove them so they can reclaim all the land and resources that they returned to the indigenous some years ago.
Aboriginal hunter in outback at sunset.

I’ve heard they are trying to wipe out aborigines completely but cannot confirm this again. It’s really hard to get info as out media is just like yours….complicit.  Fake news and only reporting the govts agenda.  Nowhere can the truth be found.

Sadly we cannot have guns here unless you live on land.  Do you know the story of Port Arthur?  If not look it up.  I now believe this was a government organized crime by a MK Ultra person.  All so we would hand in our guns and we did without hesitation.  Looking back we were so gullible and naive but who would have thought.  We are mostly very trusting….or should I say were.  We now treat most with discernment.

Australians are definitely fighting back.  We are having massive large rallies around Australia against Australia lockdowns again which I believe will continue to grow.  We will not give up and we are all prepared to fight until we win.  Still many asleep and there is a huge division across the country.  There is a 2 tiered society.  The unvaxed can only go into essential businesses. No retail no cafes no picture theatres no hardware we are lepers but most of us dont give a damn. 

We will not support any business that chooses the government over the people.  In the end they will lose. 

Australia lockdowns and truth. Australians are definitely fighting back.  We are having massive large rallies around Australia which I believe will continue to grow.  We will not give up and we are all prepared to fight until we win.  Still many asleep and there is a huge division across the country.
Australia protests against government mandates and lockdowns

We need a passport to move around and we must QR code everywhere we go.  There is a campaign starting to take a black texta with you wherever you go and if possible put a dot on the QR code so the system crashes (people are marking QR codes with black markers, placing dots on them, so the QR code system doesn’t work.)

Most of our side don’t QR code for anything but we pretend so it looks like we are complying.  Not sure about mask wearing.  I haven’t worn one for over a year but many still do. 

QR code tampering. people are placing black dots on QR codes so they do not work.
People are placing black dots, with marker, on QR codes, to tamper with them. QR codes are used for many things, including scanning yourself into stores and restaurants to prove you have been jabbed.

Oh and they are starting to vax 5 to 11 year olds in January.  Currently not compulsory but nothing has started compulsory but soon ends up being like that.

I forgot to mention that all of our states have mandated the vax to work so many have lost their jobs.  Our health system is dying as they dont have the staff as so many nurses and doctors have said no to the jab. 

They say almost 90% vaxed but I’m struggling to believe that.  So many vaccine injuries too.  Hospitals are overrun. 

For the first time in a very long time the hospital was on bypass.  Ambulances lining up outside.  They even have erected a tent outside.  Can only presume this is vaccine injury but still the media stays silent. 

Feel free to ask me anything and I’ll get the info to you.  It’s awesome that you’re interested in and reporting on the state of Australia.  We do need all the help we can get.  

Long live freedom.  Love your work Steve.  Keep it up.  If anything if interest happens I’ll be sure to keep you informed.
Cheers, Linda ??

PS.  I love Riccardo Bosi.  He is doing many international interviews and I’m.aure if you were interested he would speak to you.  I can send you details on how to get in touch with him.  He is the leader if the Australia One Party.  He is Australia’s answer to Trump.  He believes much the same and wants to make our country great again.  Sadly lately there are many that are finding dirt on anyone possible.  They say they are the freedom movement but they are causing so much more division than unity.  I truly believe the only way we win this fight is to unite and stand together.  Power to the people.  Have an awesome day/night.
All the best ??

Thank you so much Linda for letting us know what is going on with Australia and sharing the truth!

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GOVERNMENTS USE FEAR and separation tactics via the lying news media

More people are rising together – we need to overthrow the enemy that caused this pandemic hoax and all other problems in the world for generations. 

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