The Vaccinated Are DYING and numbers are Hidden

The vaccinated are dying from Covid Vaccine

It’s no secret the vaccinated are dying at alarming rates, which is something you will NEVER see on the lying mainstream news.

NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News, newspapers, lying politicians, DOJ, CDC and more, will NEVER reveal actual Covid Vaccine Deaths.

Those of you reading this are already well-aware of what’s going on in the world; you choose critical thinking, and for that, we applaud you!

You will not be silenced and told how to live your lives.

You follow the U.S. Constitution, put in place by our forefathers, who knew that one day, government would try to control the people of the United States.

Governments are about money and control; they do not care about your health or financial needs.

The vaccinated are dying. It's no secret the vaccinated are dying at alarming rates, which is something you will NEVER see on the lying mainstream news.

If governments addressed the poor, the homeless, the jobless, the crimes, as much as they spend time and our money forcing the jab of death, the world would be a better place.

Although the covid “vaccine” fatalities continue to rise, governments around the world continue to push the jab. Why do you think that is?

This videos below expose some of what is happening to the vaccinated, how they suffer and how the government is making a profit from it.

The Vaccinated Are Suffering and Dying

Dr. Peter Mccullough talks of Covid Vaccine Dangers

Dr. Peter Mccullough is being sued to keep quiet about Covid Vaccine Dangers

Covid Vaccine Fatality Statistics

  • 30,699 Hospitalizations due to Covid Vaccines
  • 9,274 Permanent Disabilities
  • 997 Dead unborn babies
  • Deaths from Covid Vaccine for Europe, UK and the US; Combined total as of July 9, 2021 – 29,934
  • Injuries from Covid Vaccine for Europe, UK and the US; Combined total as of July 9, 2021 – 3,276,075

…and counting

Covid Vaccine is a Biological Weapon to Kill You

ALL ANIMALS experimented on with Covid Vaccine DIED

This next video on Covid Vaccine Deaths has been seen before by many of you; it’s worth posting again.

Vaccine Deaths by 2023 For The Vaccinated

The Vaccinated Are Dying and numbers are Hidden

Naomi Wolf, Democrat, Speaks Out on Vaccine Passports


Covid Vaccine is Mass Genocide

Covid Vaccines are Designed to Kill

Your Government Wants You Dead

Truth About Covid Vaccines and What’s in Them – Dr. Carrie Madej

Big Pharma Silencing Whistleblowers

Vaccine Mandates made Legal

What are your thoughts on The Vaccinated are Dying?, Even though I already know. Let us know in the comments section below.

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