Concentration Camps For The UnVaccinated

concentration camps for the unvaccinated by RDCP

Concentration Camps may be coming for the unvaccinated in order to “protect you” from the “virus.”

The government has not only been looking for volunteers to round up the unvaccinated, but they are training them for the job.

RDCP Is Here To Round People UP – And YOU Can Help

Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium Organization (RDPC) formed in 2004 under the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA.

RDPC develops training for “small, rural and tribal emergency responders or stakeholders.”

The RDPC website says they know the complications that may arise when living in a rural area, so their focus is to provide training and resources to emergency responders and stakeholders.

You can become an emergency responder to “save your fellow man.”

The RDPC defines “rural” as any area with a population fewer than 50,000 and less 1,000 people per square mile. 

On the RDPA “Training” link on their website, you will find some interesting trainings coming up.

The RDPC website says they know the complications that may arise when living in a rural area, so their focus is provide training and resources to emergency responders and stakeholders. The RDPC defines "rural" as any area with a population fewer than 50,000 and less 1,000 people per square mile. 
Even you can be part of the RDPC to “help” people

A recent training that is now unavailable on the RDPC website: “MGT-433 Isolation & Quarantine for Rural Communities.”

The RDPC training was open to the public (I was able to personally view the training module. However, now that the training has commenced, it is closed; and now the slides are inaccessible.) Luckily, I thought to take screenshots of a few of the slides while I was browsing the module. Look at what was found:

In the slide below there is disturbing wordage regarding mass quarantines and, basically, a strip of our rights concerning COVID-19.

Blowing The Whistle On People In Your CommunityWork For RDPC

The slide outlines what the RDCP training is for. Notice the wording. “Voluntary isolation and/or quarantine when an individual is willing to enter into isolation and/or quarantine.” 

RDPC goes on to say how someone who voluntarily goes into isolation or quarantine is less taxing on resources since the “enforcement level” is lower.

Someone who is forced into quarantine requires an emergency responder of some sort to physically place them in quarantine. Essentially, they will not have to pay someone to force you into quarantine if you voluntarily abide by their commands.

The slide also notes voluntary isolation carries “less complicated legal, ethical, and human rights issues.” 

concentration camps for the unvaccinated. The RDPC training was open to the public (I was able to personally view the training module. However, now that the training has commenced, it is closed; and now the slides are inaccessible.)

In this slide, they mention how it is imperative that responders dealing with quarantined or isolated individuals handle them with a level of discreetness due to privacy. 

concentration camps for the unvaccinated. In this slide, they mention how it is imperative that responders dealing with quarantined or isolated individuals handle them with a level of discreetness due to privacy.

Covid Quarantine Police – You Can Help Round UP The Unvaccinated

This next slide from RDPC recaps a controversial forced quarantine of a nurse back in 2014. 

Kaci Hickox was involuntarily quarantined by the state of New Jersey after returning from Sierra Leone. She was treating patients with Ebola. The kicker: she tested negative and showed no signs or symptoms.

Kaci Hickox fought the state and was released, though was nearly detained again in her home state of Maine. She, again, fought for her freedom and won. 


Adding a specific past event, such as this, programs people into believing forced quarantines are necessary. They are also programming emergency responders and stakeholders who took this training course that even if a person shows no signs or symptoms, forced quarantine is precautionary and justified.

Kaci Hickox was involuntarily quarantined by the state of New Jersey after returning from Sierra Leone. She was treating patients with Ebola. The kicker: she tested negative and showed no signs or symptoms. She fought the state and was released, though was nearly detained again in her home state of Maine. She, again, fought for her freedom and won. 
Adding a specific past event, such as this, programs people into believing forced quarantines are necessary. They are also programming emergency responders and stakeholders who took this training course that even if a person shows no signs or symptoms, forced quarantine is precautionary and justified.

Below is a slide that hit a nerve with me. In summary, it says that pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical “intervention methods” can help contain a disease in the event of an outbreak. In other words, a vaccine.

It also says it is the most effective method compared to other methods such as travel restrictions to quarantine people. 

It mentions nothing about being legal or illegal. It simply is “training” (or programming) emergency responders and stakeholders into believing vaccines are an option that might be necessary. However, not only is it an option, but “covid vaccines” are also the most effective option.

concentration camps for the unvaccinated. pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical “intervention methods” can help contain a disease in the event of an outbreak. In other words, a vaccine. It also says it is the most effective method compared to other methods such as travel restrictions. 
It mentions nothing about being legal or illegal. It simply is “training” (or programming) emergency responders and stakeholders into believing vaccines are an option that might be necessary. However, not only is it an option, but vaccines are also the most effective option.

This slide informs the RDCP trainee that sometimes emergencies and disasters can overrun rural hospitals. So, if it does, it is necessary for “federal, regional, and state assets” to help provide “relief.”

This slide is disturbing when you consider two scenarios. The first scenario, imagine the trainee (or doctor) was not informed that it was necessary and permissible for federal, regional or state “assets” to come on the scene and take over their emergency room and patients.

How do you imagine a doctor might react if people in white hazmat suits came rushing in unannounced? The doctor might question these people, or the doctor may be protective over their patients. Essentially, the doctor might try to step-in, or in their minds: get in the way.

The second scenario, the trainee (or doctor) is informed that a hazmat parade might demand a takeover. I imagine the scenario would be quite different, as the trainee has already been briefed that this type of infiltration is possible and permissible; all for the sake of human health, right?

concentration camps for the unvaccinated. emergencies and disasters can overrun rural hospitals. So, if it does, it is necessary for “federal, regional, and state assets” to help provide relief.
This slide is disturbing when you consider two scenarios. The first scenario, imagine the trainee (or doctor) was not informed that it was necessary and permissible for federal, regional, or state “assets” to come on the scene and take over their emergency room and patients. How do you imagine a doctor might react if people in white hazmat suits came rushing in unannounced? The doctor might question these people, or the doctor may be protective over their patients. Essentially, the doctor might try to step-in, or in their minds: get in the way.
The second scenario, the trainee (or doctor) is informed that a hazmat parade might demand a takeover. I imagine the scenario would be quite different, as the trainee has already been briefed that this type of infiltration is possible and permissible; all for the sake of human health, right?

This slide notes the laws that protect a person in the event of a voluntary or involuntary isolation. It says that quarantined individuals should be provided a hearing, an appeal, and the ability to speak with someone who can explain the procedures of quarantine. So, remember your rights.

This slide notes the laws that protect a person in the event of a voluntary or involuntary isolation. It says that quarantined individuals should be provided a hearing, an appeal, and the ability to speak with someone who can explain the procedures of quarantine. So, remember your rights.

The next slide goes on to say that psychological and physiological considerations must be considered. Even noting that mental health treatment should be available for people detained to quarantine.

The references to home quarantine and the possible need for security cameras, police guards and ankle bracelets are of most concern. 

Basically, if they want you confined to your home and believe you might not abide the rules, they will monitor you in your own home, fully equipped with police guards outside of your door.

concentration camps for the unvaccinated. psychological and physiological considerations must be considered. Even noting that mental health treatment should be available for people detained to quarantine. The references to home quarantine and the possible need for security cameras, police guards, and ankle bracelets are of most concern. 
Basically, if they want you confined to your home and believe you might not abide the rules: they will monitor you in your own home, fully equipped with police guards outside of your door.

This next slide talks about the roles needed and the actions that must be taken towards involuntary and voluntary quarantines.

People will be needed to “Deliver voluntary and mandatory isolation and/or quarantine orders.”

Also, “coordinating with law enforcement to monitor and enforce restrictions” will be a task along with mental health assistance for individuals in quarantine. Then, someone to deliver food, water and bulk supplies. 

“Coordinate with public works for retrieval and disposal of contaminated articles from homes or other locations where individuals are isolated or quarantined,” is alarming when one considers who determines if something is contaminated. Also, “what” can be considered contaminated is bothersome.

Since they do not go into detail, it leaves us wondering if nearly anything in our households can be considered contaminated. Thus, implying they can seize any of our assets if they say they are contaminated.

concentration camps for the unvaccinated. actions that must be taken towards involuntary and voluntary quarantines. Going on to say people will be needed to “Deliver voluntary and mandatory isolation and/or quarantine orders.” Also, “coordinating with law enforcement to monitor and enforce restrictions” will be a task along with mental health assistance for individuals in quarantine. Then, someone to deliver food, water, and bulk supplies. 
“Coordinate with public works for retrieval and disposal of contaminated articles from homes or other locations where individuals are isolated or quarantined,” is alarming when one considers who determines if something is contaminated. Also, “what” can be considered contaminated is bothersome. Since they do not go into detail, it leaves us wondering if nearly anything in our households can be considered contaminated. Thus, implying they can seize any of our assets if they say they are contaminated.

A quick note on the next slide is the mention of a pharmacy’s role in an emergency health event.

It says that pharmacies are important in that they can “report potentially sick individuals showing symptoms of the targeted disease to local health authorities.”

This is worrisome because what about individuals with cold-like symptoms?

We know that the PCR tests have been proven faulty in their ability to differentiate between colds or flus and the actual COVID-19 virus. 

If a pharmacist believes you need “assistance” with your health, they can report you, and someone from RDCP can pick you up; bringing you to a quarantine location for your “safety.”

concentration camps for the unvaccinated. A quick note on this slide is the mention of a pharmacy’s role in an emergency health event. It says that pharmacies are important in that they can “report potentially sick individuals showing symptoms of the targeted disease to local health authorities.”
This is worrisome because what about individuals with cold-like symptoms? We now know that the PCR tests have been proven faulty in their ability to differentiate between colds or flus and the actual COVID-19 virus.

The upcoming trainings are not so great either. On the RDPC Under Training Schedule. The upcoming trainings listed on the website:

concentration camps for the unvaccinated. The upcoming trainings are not so great either. On the RDPC Under Training Schedule. The upcoming trainings listed on the website:


concentration camps for the unvaccinated


concentration camps for the unvaccinated


concentration camps for the unvaccinated per RDPC website.


There are additional trainings that are located on the RDPC website.

Attending these trainings would be beneficial in preparing ahead of time for any such events, not only from a general knowledge perspective, but also to observe the programming and see their agenda from a different lens.

The training would no doubt assist in preparing for what is possible to come. 

It is not only imperative to be prepared, but it is also important to keep our vibration and energy levels up.

If a person feels prepared, they are less likely to feel fearful.

Fear is what keeps us stuck to their regime. Stay informed if you must, but do not get attached to any outcome.

Keep your spirits and positivity about the overall outcome high. We got this.

Stay strong and God bless!

Post by EpiGirl

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