Bill Gates Profits From Covid And Makes Millions

bill gates profits from covid vaccines

Bill Gates profits from covid vaccines and the covid hoax, making millions in the process.

Bill Gates has shares in big pharmacy while also funding British medicine regulator the MHRA.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a primary funder of the Medicine and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency and also owns major shares in Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna.

While calling for a global effort against Covid-19, however, a closer review will prove Bill Gates’ objective has nothing to do with health and everything to do with money and power.

Since the start of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has sent $54 million to various “global health” projects in China, including institutions controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and collaborators of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

Bill and Melinda Gates are demonic entities fueling global terrorism and genocide

In October, Bill and Melinda Gates sent another $150,000 to the China Science and Technology Exchange Center, which was used to fund a project “to enhance China’s research and development contribution to global health and development by strengthening partnerships with the government, industry, and academia.”

Another $300,000 was sent to the state-run China Agricultural University to supposedly help “build an enabling environment for supporting China’s engagement in global health.”

According to The National Pulse, Bill and Melinda Gates have funded 93 separate grants adding up to $54,573,428 since December 2019 when the Chinese Virus was first unveiled to the world by the globalists.

bill gates profits from covid. bill gates funds china and makes millions from covid vaccines. In May 2020, Bill and Melinda Gates sent $600,000 to China’s CDC “to support emergency response and evaluation, and prepare China for the potential pandemic, which will not only help disease control and containment but contribute China’s experience to global health.”

Bill and Melinda Gates even sent cash to China to help bolster its “agricultural transformation,” which the regime can use to supersede the U.S. as an agricultural superpower.

On and on the list goes, with nearly every recipient of Gates money participating in some element of the plandemic. Global terrorism and genocide, in other words, is where the treasonous Gates family funnels most of its cash, which, thanks to crony capitalism, seems to never run out.

Among the recipients of these grants are numerous CCP-run institutions of higher learning, as well as official regime entities such as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Ministry of Science and Technology.

It was the Chinese CDC, just to be clear, that played a lead role in the Fauci Flu drama. Many believe that the alleged virus originated at the WIV, though the Western media has repeatedly called this a wild “conspiracy theory” spread by plandemic deniers.

In August 2020, Bill and Melinda Gates sent a $300,000 check to Tsinghua University “to establish a think tank to provide regulatory science research and technical support for vaccine ecosystem building suggestions.”

According to The National Pulse, this and several other grants were actually used to broaden the CCP’s role in developing and distributing new “vaccines” for future plandemics, which will more than likely be unleashed by the likes of Gates and Fauci when the time is right.

Tsinghua University, by the way, is the alma mater of current CCP leader Xi Jinping. The school also has an alleged history of launching cyberattacks against the United States government.

According to former Senior Intelligence Officer in the Defense Intelligence Agency and State Department Official Nicholas Eftimiades, Tsinghua also has a “clear connection between them and the state administration for technology and industry in discussions on what [they] can do to help the national security.”

In May 2020, Bill and Melinda Gates sent $600,000 to China’s CDC “to support emergency response and evaluation, and prepare China for the potential pandemic, which will not only help disease control and containment but contribute China’s experience to global health.”

Moderna stock price. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a primary funder of the Medicine and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency and also owns major shares in Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna.
Moderna stock price in dollars – from under $20 to $450

Bill and Melinda Gates even sent cash to China to help bolster its “agricultural transformation,” which the regime can use to supersede the U.S. as an agricultural superpower.

On and on the list goes, with nearly every recipient of Gates money participating in some element of the plandemic so Bill Gates can profit from covid.

Global terrorism and genocide, in other words, is where the treasonous Gates family funnels most of its cash, which, thanks to crony capitalism, seems to never run out.

The Pfizer vaccine was given emergency authorization by the MHRA to allow it to be given to children between the ages of 12 to 15 in the UK on June 4, 2021.

Covid vaccines aren’t just about taking lives, they’re about money, as you will see in this post.

Dr June Raine, who is the Chief Executive of the MHRA, said the MHRA had carefully reviewed clinical trial data and have concluded that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective in the age group of 12 to 15 and that the benefits outweigh any risk.

In 2002, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation had bought shares in Pfizer and in September 2020 Bill Gates stated in a CNBC interview that he viewed the Pfizer vaccine as the leader in the Covid-19 vaccine race. This announcement ensured the value of his shares would go up and he would profit from the demand for the Covid vaccine. 

In September of 2019, just before the pandemic, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation “coincidentally” bought $55 million worth of shares in BioNTech. 

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation not only owns shares in Pfizer, but owns shares in other large pharmacy companies – Johnson & Johnson and German multinational science and technology company, Merck.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a primary funder of the Medicine and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency and also owns major shares in Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna.

Moderna, another large pharmaceutical company, confirmed the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation received $20 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2016 to support their “initial project related to the evaluation of antibody combinations in a preclinical setting, as well as the conducting of a first-in-human Phase 1 clinical trial of a potential mRNA medicine.”

The corruption doesn’t stop here. The MHRA is supposed to be a neutral body that is responsible for making sure the medicine and medical devices received a grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2017 to the tune of £980,000 for a “collaboration” with the foundation.

In May 2021, a Freedom of Information request, which the MHRA responded to, revealed the current level of grant funding received from the Gates Foundation amounts to $3 million and covers “a number of projects.”

Chairman and CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, said in a earning report that Pfizer expects to generate $33.5 billion in Covid-19 vaccine sales in 2021, while Moderna said it projects sales of their Covid vaccines to generate around $17 billion to $22 billion in 2022. 

Johnson & Johnson have been selling their Covid vaccines for not-for-profit prices, however, there are plans to shift toward for-profit sales and expects sales to total $2.5 billion this year.

It’s safe to say the executes and shareholders of big pharmacy (BIG PHARMA), are going to earn handsomely from covid “vaccine” sales.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is a primary funder of the Medicine and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency and also owns major shares in Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna.
It’s all about the MONEY

Bill Gates profits from covid, and not only from fake vaccines, but from fear they instill in populations around the world via the plannedemic.

The evidence of corruption is obvious when we investigate Bill Gates’ business dealings with big pharmacy companies like Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and Moderna.

3 pharmacy companies that have distributed Covid vaccines worldwide and earning billions in the process all leads to Bill Gates.

Bill Gates, if you remember, has openly discussed world depopulation, as did his father.

“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” – Thomas Jefferson

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Written by Lionel Eddy for ROTTER News

Lionel Eddy is a freelance writer, anti-5G and anti-lockdown activist from London, UK. He has campaigned against mandatory vaccine as well as the COVID-19 regulations and the government lockdown. Eddy apposes mandatory mask wearing and views it as a sign of submission to government, he also believes that the mass usage of disposable masks will become a hazard to the oceans. Eddy has also campaigned against the roll out of 5G masts in the UK, citing it a radiation and health hazard.