Predictive Programming In Plain Site

predictive programming by Hollywood and politics

Predictive programming is right in front of you – that’s how they plan it.

Hollywood and politician lies are right in front of you every day.

Hollywood and politicians are pawns controlled by “the elite” – they tell the truth – right in front of our faces.

There are many “conspiracy theories” (as they like to call them) regarding Hollywood pedophiles and politics, as you are all very aware – I write about them to shed light to fuel your thinking.

I rarely watch tv, but did you see this Hulu commercial with Alec Baldwin? What were you thinking when you saw it? I knew right away.

What Is Predictive Programming?

Predictive Programming – the government or other higher-ups are using fictional movies or books as a mass mind control tool to make the population more accepting of planned future events.

This Hulu commercial with Alec Baldwin explains what they do and how they do it via predictive programming.

Add some “comedy” and good old Alec Baldwin weak sarcasm, and it’s seen as entertainment – the truth is passed right in front of you, disguised as entertainment.

THEY expose EVERYTHING in plain site.

Hollywood Shows The Truth Right In Front of Your Face

If you’re anything like me, you had a very uneasy feeling while watching this Hulu commercial with Alec Baldwin, which aired recently.

In this commercial, Alec Baldwin goes as far to say he is an “actor” and they use television to brainwash you.

Hollywood gets away with telling us the truth while disguising it as entertainment. Everything in the HULU commercial lines up, and at the end, an alien arm comes out of Alec Baldwin’s jacket?

When Alec Baldwin says he’s an actor, he doesn’t mean “actor” in the sense you’re thinking. Alec Baldwin means “actor” in the sense that he’s playing a role of a famous person in the brainwashing game they designed.

Many people will look up to famous “actors” and take their word for things, which is why these “famous people” are used in marketing, politics and movements…they can win many people over.

Alec Baldwin, like many other actors, are just that….actors in the real world, used by the “elite” to do their bidding. More posts on this to come.

I know this sounds complicated, but it really isn’t once you see it…and once you see it, you can’t unsee it.

Predictive Programming is government using movies as mass mind control to make the population more accepting of planned future events. 2012 Olympic ceremony? covid predictive programming. I remember watching the 2012 Olympic ceremony and saying "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" Kids hiding under bed sheets in hospitals beds as demons fly threw the air, all in black, as the head demonic reaper enters the stadium? What is going on?

ANYTHING on television, as stated by the FCC, is ENTERTAINMENT….and this includes the news (all scripted.)

Have you seen the 2012 Olympic ceremony? I remember watching the 2012 Olympic ceremony and saying “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!” Kids hiding under bed sheets in hospitals beds as demons fly threw the air, all in black, as the head demonic reaper enters the stadium? What is going on?

Well, fast forward to the Covid plannedemic and it all makes sense. Hospital beds, fear, demons and many symbols showing the crown – coronavirus.

The 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony Tells All

More predictive programming (What was to come 7 years later – Covid plannedemic)

The TRUTH is in PLAIN SITE via predictive programming.

REMEMBER – THEY are required to show us what they do before they do it.

Notice all the pyramids in the video – symbol of Freemasons, Illuminati and Egyptian pyramids…all connected.

The ALL SEEING EYE is on top of a pyramid on the one dollar bill. There are no coincidences.

The one dollar bill is the blue print for the New World Order.

Gravity Falls – A Children’s Cartoon by Disney – Filled with Illuminati symbolism

(Disney is very dark)

This Gravity Falls video gets the point across.

Read more about The New World Order and Freemasons and Illuminati on our site.

This is much deeper than a bad flu / planned Black Plague hoax. Covid is about control and genocide.


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“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” – Thomas Jefferson

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