Iranian Militia Groups in the USA?

Iranian Militia Groups in the USA

Supposedly there are Iranian Militia Groups in the USA ready to attack.

Iran claims to Have Active Cells in Washington DC and every state, ready to take out America.

Iran claims to have resistance cells in the United States with the capacity to target American troops inside the United States. Is this why barricades and fencing remain up in Washington DC?

Iran claimed that terror factions associated with Iran are growing stronger and gaining more support, while it called on U.S. forces to withdraw from not only Iraq, but the Middle East entirely.

What do you think Biden is doing about this? Where is Biden?

  • We know Biden stopped the wall project to keep illegals out.
  • We know Biden welcomes illegals
  • We know Biden is a criminal.
  • We know Biden wants to ban our guns.
  • We know Biden used billions of American tax dollars to fund China projects (covid hoax.)
  • We know Biden received millions of dollars (in his offshore accounts) from criminal activities.
  • We know Biden stole the 2020 Presidential Election: IP addresses don’t lie and voting machines should NEVER be allowed access to the internet, but they were.
  • We know Biden couldn’t fill a parking lot with supporters, yet Trump had stadiums.
  • The list goes on and on as you know.

The message / image from Iranian Militia groups warning The United States

Supposedly there are Iranian Militia Groups in the USA. Iran claims to Have Active Cells in Washington DC and every state, ready to take out America.

The Iranian Militia groups said “Do not think that you and the Americans, by killing Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, will survive the torment of the resistance,” the post added, referring to the Iranian commander and the Iraqi militia commander who were killed in an airstrike last year. “We lie in wait for you evil (sic) and the next thing is worse.”

What do you think?

Is this an actual threat by Iran or another hoax by the Deep State (US government puppets.)

If this is a hoax by the Deep State (US government) to wreak havoc on our nation from within, they can blame it on Iran. They’ve done this before (911.)

What is going on?

Regardless of what is said, Americans find it very hard to believe the US government, and for very good reason. Luckily, more Americans are waking up daily to what the government really is.

We all pray for peace and for the evil to be abolished from world governments. The people of the world need to stay together.

I recorded this post in podcast form with my thoughts.

In this podcast I talk about:

  • Iranian Militia Groups in the USA
  • Racism and how the Deep State uses it to separate us from each other
  • You can’t reason with idiots (and color has nothing to do with it.)

I jump around a bit and get a little off topic, but it all ties in.

I enjoy recording and had positive feedback from the podcasts, so I will do more.

I’m not sure what to believe about the Iranian Militia Groups in the USA. I don’t know if it’s legit or if it’s our government performing another setup. What do you think?

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