Justice Department Has ANOTHER Gun Restriction Rule

Department of Justice gun restrictions

More Gun Restrictions from the government.

The Justice Department has another gun restriction rule to add.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) unveiled on June 7, 2021, a proposed rule that would apply gun regulations for rifles and pistols equipped with certain stabilizing braces.

Now they’re looking to ban guns with “stabilizing braces.” The Justice Department now says you can’t have guns with certain stabilizing braces. So much nit picking. Stabilizing brace or no stabilizing brace, a gun is deadly in the hands of a criminal or the wrong person.

Many people will nod their heads and believe these gun restrictions are fine. If the government says something needs to be banned, it must be the right thing to do; it’s another distraction.

Did our forefathers mention anything about certain guns or any gun restrictions at all? They did not. The 2nd amendment simply says, “the right to bear arms.” The 2nd amendment was written into the U.S. Constitution so people can protect themselves from criminals and an overpowering government (Britain at the time.)

Our ancestors knew, that someday, the United States government would attempt to control people and rewrite history. Our forefathers wrote the 2nd amendment for us.

GUN RESTRICTIONS by the DOJ are unconstitutional and against the 2nd amendment. Why do you think the 2nd amendment was written into the Constitution? Did our forefathers mention anything about certain guns or any gun restrictions at all? They did not. The 2nd amendment simply says, "the right to bare arms." The 2nd amendment was written so people can protect themselves from criminals and an overpowering government (Britain at the time.)

The gun restrictions rule states that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives should determine on a case-by-case basis whether a particular gun, when configured with a stabilizing brace, “bears the objective features of a firearm designed and intended to be fired from the shoulder and is thus subject to the NFA (National Firearms Act.) The use of a purported ‘stabilizing brace’ cannot be a tool to circumvent the NFA (or the GCA) and the prohibition on the unregistered possession of ‘short-barreled rifles,’” the proposed gun restriction rule states, with GCA serving as an acronym for the Gun Control Act of 1968. Stabilizing braces are used to bolster the stability and accuracy of guns.”

This sounds like a lot of important and technical jargon, doesn’t it? Jargon makes it important, which makes it serious, and they do this to get your attention on a “very serious” topic.

More CLOWN SHOW. To be clear…it’s assumed guns WITHOUT stabilizing braces are less deadly. Survival knives and rope don’t have stabilizing braces; guess they’re safe. Again, more distraction. All these stories are nothing more than a distraction to keep people sidetracked.

The proposed gun restrictions rule was published in the Federal Register. Members of the public will have 90 days to submit comments.

Also on June 7, 2021, the DOJ published model legislation that it claims will make it easier for states to create laws governing risk protection orders. Such orders—sometimes known as red flag laws—which a number of states have begun to allow in recent years, authorize courts to temporarily bar people from owning or accessing firearms.

I wonder why states would “temporarily” bar people from owning or accessing firearms? No matter how you look at it, this is against the 2nd amendment in the U.S. Constitution.

The Government wants to save lives

“The Justice Department is determined to take concrete steps to reduce the tragic toll of gun violence in our communities,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement. “Today we continue to deliver on our promise to help save lives while protecting the rights of law-abiding Americans. We welcome the opportunity to work with communities in the weeks and months ahead in our shared commitment to end gun violence.”

These people clearly think we’re idiots. Removing guns (against our 2nd amendment rights) will NEVER remove guns from the hands of criminals. Removing guns from people removes their protection and rights under the U.S. Constitution.

Mark Olivia, director of public affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), a trade group for the gun industry, told The Epoch Times NSSF “will examine the proposed rule and seek input from our members, including firearm manufacturers.”

The NSSF will provide public comment on behalf of the firearm industry at the appropriate time, he said.

The proposed order and model legislation was crafted in response to a directive from biden in April. biden, a Democrat who stole office in January, decried the number of shootings in America and said that the actions he wants to take don’t impinge on the Second Amendment.

They don’t impinge on the 2nd Amendment…but the 2nd amendment simply says “the right to bear arms.” The 2nd amendment NEVER mentioned what type of weapons…it simply says “the right to bear arms.”

Department of Justice wants more gun restrictions. “ATF is proposing to amend the definition of “rifle” in 27 CFR 478.11 and 479.11, respectively, by adding a sentence at the end of each definition. The new sentence would clarify that the term “rifle” includes any weapon with a rifled barrel and equipped with an attached “stabilizing brace” that has objective design features and characteristics that indicate that the firearm is designed to be fired from the shoulder, as indicated on ATF Worksheet 4999.z’
If our ancestors obeyed

What they are doing is slowly eroding our rights and hoping we don’t notice. They may decide to remove all rifles after a time, followed by all pistols.

The Gun Owners of America, a gun owners group, previously said that biden’s proposals were unconstitutional.

“Joe Biden knows he cannot beat gun owners in Congress, so instead he’s abusing his executive authority—throwing the full weight of the federal bureaucracy behind his attack on gun owners,” Erich Pratt, the group’s senior vice president, told members in an alert.

biden (lower case b intentional) and other democrats have tried to enact new gun ownership restrictions in Congress but have faced Republican opposition.

Republicans largely favor other ways to bring down the number of shootings, such as increasing budgets for law enforcement.

Something is extremely wrong with this admin’s priorities. It’s almost as if they are planning something sinister, the way they single mindedly focus on stripping us of our ability to defend ourselves.

Want to reduce crimes? Keep the criminals off the street and support law enforcement. Stop punishing law abiding citizens. Criminals don’t care about laws, they’re criminals! Get the paid domestic terrorists in jail, along with their payers.

Democrats cheered the biden administration’s moves, including Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), who called them “solid steps” that show biden’s “consistent commitment to stopping gun violence.”

The Proposed Rule

“ATF is proposing to amend the definition of “rifle” in 27 CFR 478.11 and 479.11, respectively, by adding a sentence at the end of each definition. The new sentence would clarify that the term “rifle” includes any weapon with a rifled barrel and equipped with an attached “stabilizing brace” that has objective design features and characteristics that indicate that the firearm is designed to be fired from the shoulder, as indicated on ATF Worksheet 4999.z’

It took them 71 pages to state this. Everything is laced down with hundreds of pages of regulatory verbiage that no one can read – until DOJ wants to nail you for something.

The only thing biden is doing with gun restrictions is removing our 2nd amendment rights and pushing to make citizens more vulnerable.

The Department of Justice has foregone the sworn duty of its staff to pander to Democrats.

What are your thoughts on Gun Restrictions by the Department of Justice? Let us know in the comments section below.

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