Is the Earth Flat or Round – Why Do the STARS NEVER MOVE?!

is the earth flat or round

Is the earth flat or round and why do the stars never move, but the sun moves?

This is going to sound like a crazy post but there has been something on my mind recently regarding the sun and the stars and how they move or don’t move.

We all know that the spinning globe we call earth creates the illusion of the sun rising in the east and setting in the west daily.

If the earth is a spinning globe that creates the illusion of the sun rising and setting, then why do the stars NEVER MOVE?!

As the day goes by, the sun appears to move from the east to the west due to the rotation of the earth.

If the earth is a rotating ball, then why are the stars ALWAYS in the same position through the entire night? Shouldn’t the stars move to the west, through the night, as the sun does during the day?

is the earth round or flat? is nasa a hoax? not only do astronauts train is water but they film there as well.
Not only do NASA astronauts train is large pools, they also film in them

Ever since I was a kid I questioned gravity and wondered how it works. Do you know it’s still unknown as to how gravity works?

When I was in grammar school I asked the teacher, “if the earth is spinning so fast, why do we not fall off?” The teacher answered, “gravity.” I wasn’t buying it; it didn’t make sense to me.

If you put an object on a spinning ball, it will fly off. Why is nothing flying off the face of the earth? There are many reasons for this that you can find on the internet I’m sure, however, a simple experiment with a spinning basketball will prove this.

I was up late writing a post and took a break to sit outside around midnight, and it hit me; the stars are always in the same spot when I look up at the sky, regardless of the time of night. If the earth is spinning, the stars should appear to be moving away from us as the sun does.

If you have a reason for why the stars never move please inform us in the comments below.

PODCAST version – Is the earth flat or round and why do the stars never move

I know how crazy this post may sound, questioning if the earth is flat or round, but I have questions.

I never put 2 and 2 together regarding why the sun appears to move but the stars never do. Again, if the earth was spinning, with the stars stationary, they would appear to move in the night sky, as the sun does during the day.

Questions like this are interesting to me and I would like to know the answers; maybe we’ll never have the answers.

Everything we know about our spinning globe earth was taught to us in school books or the news. We all know the news media lies.

is the earth flat or round? As the day goes by, the sun appears to move from the east to the west due to the rotation of the earth. If the earth is rotating, then why are the stars ALWAYS in the same position through the entire night?
Is Antarctica a huge retaining wall?

Is there a big coverup?

Why is no one allowed to climb the glaciers of Antarctica?

Why is no one allowed to go on an expedition deep into Antarctica?

There is a military presence surveilling Antarctica that deals with trespassers swiftly; why?

Why can’t NASA get their green screen effects to work?

More NASA green screen CG (Character Generation – used in Hollywood) FAILS

The guy in the center appears to have no feet. At the end of the video, there is a very bad green screen glitch. I have worked with green screens / blue screens in professional video productions and this is beyond obvious; massive green screen glitch.

There are many videos on the internet regarding NASA green screen fails – they’re trying to make you believe they’re in space…but…they make it very obvious they are not. It’s almost as if they want us to know they are lying.

Remember, it’s in their rules, they MUST let us know what they are doing as they do it…THE DEEP STATE.

Watch this entertaining video on flat earth theory; it’s fun and interesting.

Is the Earth Flat or Round – David Weiss

A longer video on Is the Earth flat or round with David Weiss and HighImpactFlix

I know this is a crazy question, but, what are your thoughts on Is the Earth Flat or Round? after watching the videos. And why do the stars never move? Let us know in the comments section below.

Regardless of what you believe, you have to admit, the videos were an entertaining watch.

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