Australia Covid Lockdowns – War Against The People

Australia covid lockdown update and status

The Australia Covid lockdowns aren’t about a virus, they’re war against the people of Australia; Covid lockdowns make this clear.

This post is for our Australian brothers and sisters. Please let us know the Australian Covid lockdown status in the comments below.

I never imagined covid lockdowns would be this bad in Australia, but then again, I don’t know how bad their government is setup and how bad the puppets in office are.

This post is dedicated to the people of Australia.

Please use this post, and this site, as a sounding board, as the lying news media will NEVER tell the truth; they are part of the Deep State.

Altogether, half of Australia’s population of 25 million is now in lockdown, with the states of Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory also responding to outbreaks.

Australia Lockdowns And Arrests – Mandatory Covid Lockdowns

It’s said that residents of New South Wales are now facing tougher policing, with greater enforcement and increased fines, as authorities battle to contain the spread of the virulent Delta strain.

The Australia lockdowns have also divided the state capital from the surrounding regions, with a permit required from Saturday for people traveling between Greater Sydney and elsewhere in the country.

Australia Lockdowns – Australia Tyranny

Australia Lockdown Rules – Are They True?

People in these areas of Australia will also be limited to:

  • One hour of exercise
  • Only 2 hours a day allowed outside for shopping and travel
  • No travel outside your designated 5km zone

The state will also make Covid vaccinations mandatory for all healthcare workers by the end of next month, and for childcare workers and disability support workers in the council areas of concern by 30 August.

NSW police will be given the power to lock down entire apartment blocks if there is an outbreak (when people get a taste of too much freedom.)

Australia Covid Lockdown status. At this point, the answer is not clear. Thirty-six other suburbs went back into lockdown earlier this week after an increase of cases. There are worldwide curfews, quarantines, and similar restrictions (variously described as stay-at-home orders, shelter-in-place orders, shutdowns or lockdowns).
Confrontations between Australian anti-vaxxers and Police on the rise

In Melbourne, in the neighboring state of Victoria, playgrounds, skate parks, basketball courts and outdoor gyms remained shut as the city entered the third week of its sixth Covid lockdown.

New Zealand, which has also pursued a zero-cases strategy, is battling a new outbreak fueled by the Delta variant. The country’s case cluster grew to 31 on Friday, and spread from Auckland to the capital, Wellington.

Prime minister Jacinda Ardern extended the strict nationwide coronavirus lockdown on Friday, saying the full extent of the Delta outbreak was still unknown. The lockdown will run until midnight on Tuesday, Ardern told a news conference.

The Australia Covid lockdown will run until the people have surrendered their freedom to government by complete compliance; let’s just be real. Remember “2 weeks to flatten the curve” back in early 2020? Yeah, me too.

Banned Video Of COVID Vaccine – Injured Australians

Many people can see this is not about a virus; this is about government controlling your lives and removing your freedom!

Why do you think governments want your guns?

Why do you think governments are rolling out vaccine passports? You can’t go anywhere without a vaccine passport (Revelation in the bible.)

Governments are doing whatever they can to punish and destroy people and the economy.


Stop believing the government is on your side because they never were; this is what you were brainwashed into believing.

And when the covid “vaccine” kills the millions who took it, government will blame the “vaccine” deaths on a new covid strain.

PODCAST version of Australia Covid lockdown

New South Wales Premier urges citizens to take COVID vaccine

Despite a record rise in infections, the New South Wales Premier said some lockdown restrictions could be eased for vaccinated residents from next month.

“I am really calling out to everybody to say please get vaccinated because … there will be opportunities in September and October for us to be able to say to the community if you are vaccinated, you might be able to do a certain level of activity which you can’t now,” Berejiklian said.

In other words, do as we say, take the vaccine, and we’ll let you have your freedoms back. Since when do these puppets control other people?! DO NOT OBEY! Your body, your life, your choice!

“September and October will be the most challenging months for us in terms of public policy, in terms of how we move forward, because we wouldn’t have reached the 70% but yet we would have increased vaccination rates,” the New South Wales Premier added.

Sydney’s Covid lockdown is set to end on August 28 but the state government has indicated that restrictions will remain through September.In Queensland, where the northern tourist town of Cairns is locked down, four local cases were reported on Monday. Several areas in the southeast of the state, including the capital Brisbane, came out of stay-at-home restrictions on Sunday.

Morrison has said all Australians over 16 will be offered a vaccine by the end of the year, with prospects for achieving that boosted on Monday when the country’s pharmaceutical regulator gave provisional approval for the Moderna shot.

Australia, PLEASE reach out in the comments section and let us know your Lockdown status and what you are dealing with.

In fact, we urge anyone in the world to report in on their status. Please keep each other in the loop!

Share your thoughts on Australia Covid lockdowns in the comments section below.

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