Hitler and Disney the same person?

Hitler is Walt Disney played by Kermit Roosevelt

Adolph Hitler and Walt Disney are played by the same person in real life. What you are about to read will shock you, but read through it all.

Adolph Hitler and Walt Disney are played by the same person (actor), Kermit Roosevelt (yes, that Roosevelt family.)

The Elite (committee 300) controls the world with more money than you can imagine. Everything you think you know is fake and planned, and has been for generations. The “elite” use actors to play multiple roles of “famous people” in politics and film to stage events.

The television, news, all forms of media, music and movies have been used to lie to us our entire lives. This has been going on since the days of the printing press. This is what the “elite”, who run the world from the top, do to control everything.

The Rockefeller family and Rothschilds are at the top of this pyramid scheme, and they aren’t even the head of the evil pyramid.

I understand how this sounds, but please read on and think for yourselves. For starters, Walt Disney and Adolph Hitler are played by the same person in real life; Kermit Roosevelt, son to President Roosevelt.

Kermit Roosevelt changed his name from Roosevelt to Disney and played the roles of Walt Disney and Adolph Hitler in real life.
Walt Disney and Hitler are played by Kermit Roosevelt

Kermit Roosevelt changed his name from Roosevelt to Disney

Ear biometrics, like fingerprints, do not lie (ear biometrics being more precise.)

“Kermit Roosevelt was the linchpin of Argentine banking.  The Nazi connection presents itself and explains why so many escaped to Argentina and South America.

Kermit Roosevelt was the Top CIA agent that is credited with being the mastermind behind the overthrow of the Shah of Iran. Kermit Roosevelt learned these tactics from his grandfather, who funded the rebels of Panama to overthrow the government, so he could then purchase the land and build the Panama Canal.

Walt Disney and Adolph Hitler are played by Kermit Roosevelt

Who was in charge of handing out the oil leases as Secretary of the Navy? Theo and brother Archie (Roy Disney) got caught pulling off this stunt. It was called the Tea pot dome scandal, which ultimately caused Theo Disney to step down. At the same time, the Disney brothers were starting their studio, with their brother, Joseph Kennedy, so Archie could care less.  

Joseph Kennedy invested heavily in the Hollywood studios. This is why they created the fake names (Disney), as that move right there would have been highly illegal and the Trust busting laws their Father (Teddie) and Uncle (playing JP Morgan) created.

adolph hitler and walt disney are the same

Walt Disney looks like Hitler because both roles were played by Kermit Roosevelt.

The Roosevelt brothers (now named Disney) change their name, knowing that it wouldn’t hurt their own investments because no one knew who they really were. This act successfully put a cap on all their competition! Brilliant, if you’re that ruthless.

Disney produced all the War Propaganda films for WW2

The Roosevelt (Disney) brothers owned 80% of Hollywood including RKO.

Because the DISNEY family is really the Roosevelt family, do you now see how Disney Studios got the contract to produce all the War Propaganda films for the US and Europe?

“Walt Disney” did NOT create Disney studios, as they led you to believe. Where did all the money come from to start the Disney Empire? Now you know.

THEIR COUSIN Franklin D. Roosevelt, gave it to them without the country even realizing he just handed the biggest contract (paid for with tax money) and put that money right back in the family’s pocket!”

EVERYTHING you think you know is a lie. With the covid hoax to con people into staying in their homes under house arrest, lying about no ventilators, lying about empty hospitals, lying about the “viral” alien video that shot up on youtube in a day, George Floyd hoax, sandy hook for gun control, Boston marathon, 911 (no planes) and more….here it goes…
Actors and Politicians are ACTORS

Actors and politicians you see in the world are nothing more than actors. Actors playing the roles of actors in Hollywood and politics.

When an actor “dies”, they don’t really die. Their character dies, and they move on to play another role in this world to fool the people. I urge you to do more research on your own, as all the answers are out there.

Kermit Roosevelt played the role of Walt Disney and Adolph Hitler. There were never any people in real life named Walt Disney or Adolph Hitler. This is the truth they don’t want you to know.

Kermit Roosevelt played the role of Walt Disney and Adolph Hitler. There were never any people in real life named Walt Disney or Adolph Hitler. This is the truth they don't want you to know.
Kermit Roosevelt played the roles of Walt Disney and Adolph Hitler

Ear biometrics are more advanced than fingerprints or retinal scans. If you think Hollywood makeup in movies is amazing, you have no idea what these people are capable of.

The “elite” do not mess around. They want this world as their own and have been fooling people for generations in order to control everything through money, in amounts you can’t even imagine.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Rockefeller family and Rothschild family. They have been funding lies for generations with their secret society “conspiracy theory” coverups.

The “elite” have been lying to the people of the world for years. This has been going on since the days of the printing press in the 1700s.

The Bush family is probably the biggest war criminal family in history. The Bush family is related to the Roosevelt family.
The Bush family is the Roosevelt family

The Bush family is probably the biggest war criminal family in history. The Bush family is related to the Roosevelt family.

The Roosevelt brothers changed their name to Disney, with Kermit playing the roles of Walt Disney and Adolph Hitler. Wars are planned and staged, as is everything you thought you knew.

What is Ross Perot and the Bush boys doing with Hitler? They were visiting their relative, Kermit Roosevelt, who played Hitler and Walt Disney. They are all Roosevelts.
The Bush boys and Ross Perot are visiting their relative Hitler, who was Kermit Roosevelt.

What is Ross Perot and the Bush boys doing with Hitler? They were visiting their relative, Kermit Roosevelt, who played Hitler and Walt Disney. They are all Roosevelts.

More Interesting Images

Hillary Clinton also played the role of Pauline Robinson Bush, who supposedly died as a child. The family did not grieve the day the child "died." This is typical because she did not die.
Robin Bush is Hillary Clinton and Shirley Jones from Partridge family

Hillary Clinton also played the role of Pauline Robinson Bush, who supposedly died as a child. The family did not grieve the day the child “died.” This is typical because she did not die.

Why did they not pretend to grieve you ask? It’s all part of their plan. Part of their sick and twisted rules state they must let us know what they are doing in plain site.

No crying for the “death” let’s us know it’s fake. Devil horns and satanic symbolism in music and movies is them letting us know they ARE evil, without telling us.

We also find that Hillary is the daughter of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi from World War II, and her stepbrother is better known as President Johnson. Hillary Clinton also played the role of Shirley Jones, the actor from the Partridge family TV show.

The Bush family has some of the largest war criminals and they are all related to the Roosevelt family.
Young HW Bush is getting touched up with makeup by Hitler’s personal photographer, Hoffman
Patrick Swanton is also Neil Bush
Neil bush playing the Waco Police Departments Liaison for the Twin Peeks Biker Shooting Hoax
Roosevelt family is the Bush family
Roosevelt family is related to the Bush family
Kermit Roosevelt plays the roles of Walt Disney and Hitler
Kermit Roosevelt plays the roles of Walt Disney and Hitler
Ross Perot played the role of a Nazi when he was young
Young Ross Perot played the role of a Nazi

Ross Perot is the Great grandson of Elliot Roosevelt the brother as Teddy Roosevelt, who played his Vice President then became president as Taft. Young Ross Perot played the role of a Nazi.

Use this information to learn about the history of the United States and you will see the bloodlines of the families that reach back to the Royals, which encompasses the publishing industry here in the United States.

You will never find anything of substance printed in a book or on TV or any form of news media because they are all owned by the big six, who, are owned by the royal families and funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. George Soros is of course all part of this massive scheme.

Many actors and actresses are related to the Rockefellers and Rothschild families, Ellen Degeneres being one of them.

Remember the War of the Worlds Radio Broadcast in 1938? That was one of the first large experiments to see how the population would handle mass panic. Thousands of people left their homes, really thinking the world was under attack by aliens.

Disney is Hitler, with both roles being played by Kermit Roosevelt. His sister played the role of Ava Braun.

Kermit’s other brothers, Archibald Roosevelt, was supposedly killed in an airplane crash, but as you can see with the photographs of the accident, it is staged and fake, so what happened to Archie? He became known as Joseph P Kennedy senior, also named Prescott Bush. This means he is the father of Joseph P Kennedy Junior, who is really HW Bush.

Here is one site the ELITE (Committee 300) HATE! It has been proven over and over. You think makeup in Hollywood looks good in movies? Makeup jobs on actors playing the parts of actors are done by genius techs.

Hitler and Disney are the same person, both played by Kermit Roosevelt. There are many more “coincidences” in the history of the world, which are all fake.

RESEARCH and use your gut! Check this site for more info.

Some photos used from the site, Wellaware1.com. I suggest you check it out for more great info!

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