The Federal Reserve, or Fed, is a privately owned bank that controls the money supply of the United States. The federal reserve is a hoax.

The Federal Reserve and IRS are a hoax – Neither are part of the USA.

The Federal Reserve, or Fed, is a privately owned central bank that controls the money supply of the United States. All the dollars we have in existence today were created by the Federal Reserve. In fact, if you look at any piece of currency you will see that it says Federal Reserve Note on it.

To better understand the Federal Reserve it is important to understand that the creation of a central bank has long been the plan from international bankers. After many failed attempts it wasn’t until 1913 that the bankers finally accomplished their goal.

Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes her laws – Mayer Amschel Rothschild

To really understand the Fed you first need to understand a few things about economics.

Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce… and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.

We use money on a daily basis but do we really know why we use money or where it comes from?



Money evolves from bartering. When a society starts out, people barter what they have for what they need and want. Somebody may barter a cow for 1,000 oranges. This is what the stock exchange was founded on years ago in the 1800s – bartering.

But as society becomes more advanced and needs are more specific it becomes hard to barter certain types of goods. What if somebody has a cow to barter but only wants 100 oranges? How do they barter 1/10 of their cow?

So money develops as an item to use in place of barter. Rather than barter 2 goods directly, money is introduced as a medium of exchange to make bartering easier and more useful. Now if somebody wants only 100 oranges they can first barter their cow for coins like gold or silver.

And then once they have the coins they can now barter just one coin for 100 oranges. Rather than trade their cow directly for 100 oranges, they first traded their cow for money. And then they used a fraction of this money to trade for 100 oranges.

We have used lots of things for money throughout history but gold and silver usually end up being money because they have all of these properties more so than anything else.

Now gold and silver are great for money, but they can be a bit cumbersome to transport around all the time. People would much rather carry dollars or credit cards than coins. So banks start to issue paper receipts for gold, and people exchange these receipts instead of the gold itself.

Federal Reserve and IRS scam. NOT part of the USA. Taxes are illegal.
Federal Reserve and IRS – SCAMMERS

So people store gold in their bank, and the bank issues a receipt saying that you own X ounces of gold. At anytime you can return to the bank and hand them your receipt to reclaim your physical gold. This is where it gets interesting so pay attention…

The dollars we hold in our wallets are actually a receipt on money, at least that’s what they originally were. So when the US first started minting dollars you were able to go back to your bank and turn your dollar in for gold. This hasn’t happened in decades! Money today is backed by NOTHING!

federal reserve and irs are a scam. Now gold and silver are great for money, but they can be a bit cumbersome to transport around all the time. People would much rather carry dollars or credit cards than coins. So banks start to issue paper receipts for gold, and people exchange these receipts instead of the gold itself. So people store gold in their bank, and the bank issues a receipt saying that you own X ounces of gold. At anytime you can return to the bank and hand them your receipt to reclaim your physical gold. This is where it gets interesting so pay attention...
Early dollar bill – How IT WAS

But that has changed and you can’t do that anymore, look at one today:

federal reserve and irs are a scam. money today is debt.
Money today is NOT backed by anything

Our money used to be backed by gold. Now it isn’t backed by gold. We have what is called fiat money now. Our money isn’t backed by anything. So the important property of money called “Store of Value” is no longer present in our money. Because our money isn’t backed by value it can’t possibly serve as a store of value. And when you have money without a store of value it is no longer money… it is currency. And that is what we have today.

The Federal Reserve prints endless money with NO BACKING OF ANY KIND. Money is empty debt notes.


If you really want to know who is behind the Fed simply follow the money. Look who got bailed out in 2009:

Citigroup$2.513 trillion
Morgan Stanley$2.041 trillion
Merrill Lynch$1.949 trillion
Bank of America$1.344 trillion
Barclays PLC$868 billion
Bear Sterns$853 billion
Goldman Sachs$814 billion
Royal Bank of Scotland$541 billion
JP Morgan Chase$391 billion
Deutsche Bank$354 billion
UBS$287 billion
Credit Suisse$262 billion
Lehman Brothers$183 billion
Bank of Scotland$181 billion
BNP Paribas$175 billion
Wells Fargo$159 billion
Dexia$159 billion
Wachovia$142 billion
Dresdner Bank$135 billion
Societe Generale$124 billion
All Other Borrowers$2.639 trillion
Total$16.1 trillion

This post on how the Federal Reserve and IRS are a hoax and con is meant to get your researching. This is all true. Banks are in business to hold funds backed by nothing, as the Federal Reserve spends and spends and prints more empty money.

We the people pay off ALL DEBTS by the US government and the IRS is the MOB that collects for them.

The government spends and spends and we pay it all off.

We the people are their slaves and if we don’t comply (pay up), we are threatened with jail time. See how it works? Taxes are illegal…look into it. US Constitution refresher.

The Federal Reserve, or Fed, is a privately owned bank that controls the money supply of the United States. The federal reserve is a hoax.

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